Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]

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Now that she has an idea of who the potential werewolf and next victim are she can begin to make a plan. First, she plans on sticking very close to Thomas Sinclair and if she's right about John Winston being a werewolf he should go after Sinclair tonight. After she deals with John Winston, she needs to find out if Jane Winston is a werewolf as well, which means Jean is going to have to track her down.

Jean unzips the second duffel bag and pulls out an empty magazine along with an ammo box full of silver bullets. She sits on the bed and begins to load bullets into the magazine. Once she's done with her task, she takes the Colt combat commander pistol from the small of her back where she keeps it safely tucked into the waistband of her jeans at all times. She removes the magazine filled with regular bullets and replaces it with the one of silver bullets. She then pulls out a silver hunting knife from the duffel bag and attaches the sheath to her belt.

She looks at the clock on her phone and sees that it's now nine at night. She stands up, grabs her coat, pulls it on over her green and black flannel then takes out a lollipop. She places the candy in her mouth before leaving the motel room yet again. She climbs into her Mustang and drives to the address that she got off the internet for Thomas Sinclair. She parks across the street from his house and settles in to wait. The moon is bright and full which helps illuminate the well-manicured lawns of this seemingly nice and normal neighborhood.

It's almost one in the morning when Jean finally spots a dark shadow stalking toward Sinclair's house. The shadow breaks one of the downstairs windows before slinking inside the house. Jean opens her car door then proceeds across the street and to the shattered remains of the window. All of a sudden, her phone vibrates in her pocket, but she ignores it and climbs carefully through the window. She pulls her pistol out of the waistband of her jeans before looking around for any sign of where the werewolf went. She finds drops of blood, probably from Winston cutting his hand on a shard of glass, leading off to the right and follows them to a set of wooden stairs. She starts to walk up the stairs and is about halfway up when a man screams which is followed shortly by a feral, animalistic growl from a second man. Jean runs up the rest of the stairs, takes a left, then follows the hallway until she reaches an open door at the end. She enters the master bedroom and then flips on the lights. She sees a fairly short man with shaggy blonde hair on top of another, much taller, man with short brown hair. The brown-haired man is struggling to keep the blonde's head away from his throat with both of his hands while screaming in terror. Jean shouts, "Hey!" The werewolf Winston looks up at the sound of a new voice and snarls at Jean before she shoots him twice in the heart. Winston falls backward off of Sinclair leaving the other man shaking in shock. Jean walks over to check on him, "Are you okay? He didn't bite you, did he?"

Sinclair is thoroughly frightened, "N-no. No. Just scratches...Hey!" He calls out to her in alarm as she's starting to leave, "Where are you going?"

She stops and turns back to the terrified man, "Yeah, when you call this into the police, you might want to leave out the whole fangs, claws, and eyes thing. He, uh, broke into your house and you shot him in self-defense." She reaches over and wipes down the light switch with the sleeve of her coat, "Also, I was never here. Okie dokie?"

Not waiting for his response, she leaves the bedroom, goes back through the narrow hallway, down the stairs, and through the broken window making sure that she doesn't cut herself on the glass.

She quickly makes her way to her car and drives away. She drives across town to the Winston house and parks the car across the street. For a few minutes, Jean just sits and watches the dark house until movement in an upstairs window catches her attention. She climbs out of her car and then runs up to the Winston's front door. She takes out her lock-picking kit and unlocks the door.

Fallen Angel.  (A Supernatural Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang