Chapter 20- First Day of School, Last Day with Hunter

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September 7th, 2012

Dear Diary,

Although not much has happened around here, Hunter was down in New Orleans, Louisiana getting inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame at the Mahalia Jackson Theater. Though I haven't known him for long, I knew this was a huge deal to him and I couldn't be more proud. He was also the youngest member to be inducted. He did invite me to go, but I thought it was best if I stayed and let him have his time to shine. We couldn't keep being seen around together everywhere or more rumors would start circulating and I wanted to stay out of the press. And a part of me didn't necessarily want to be connected to his music. I loved it and how passionate he is about his music, but I figured that that part of his life, way before I came into the picture and it should be a day of celebration for him and his family. I don't know if that really makes sense, but I think it was just too big of a deal for me to go down there with him at this point in time. Though I wish I went just so that I could spend more time with him before he leaves on tour. Hunter called me as soon as the ceremony was over and gushed all about it. 

September 10th, 2012

Dear Diary,

The first day of college is here. Now in the past this day would have been the beginning of my beautiful future at Columbia one of the best Ivy League schools. But, things have changed. I can still say that I am super excited for school to start again, but I never imagined it would be at Vanderbilt. It may not be an Ivy League school, but it is considered the best in the south, so kind of like the Southern Ivy League. I'm struggling with what to wear. Is this a prestigious school where I should wear my designer or something in between? In addition to starting school, my mom is only making my help on the farm on the weekends, but that means no sleeping in. Devin is coming over this morning or already is to help my mom. We've talked a little bit more, but he never mentioned how he and Hunter were leaving. And my mom only found out a few days ago and she wasn't very happy. But, Devin wasn't required at all the shows Hunter was so he said he would come home. And by home, I hope that means to my mom. He and his longtime girlfriend broke up because he wanted to try to work things out with my mom, which is great for me. Although they haven't necessarily defined the relationship, we all know where it is headed. He is cautious though since he did just get out of a pretty long and serious relationship. Hunter's date to leave got moved up a couple days so they would have more time to prep, so this is actually my last day to spend with him before he leaves. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I am having a hard time keeping it. Anyways, I better be off, my first day awaits. Hunter told me he would drive me to school, since it's close to the studio anyways and we haven't seen each other for a few days since he was in Louisiana. 

Savannah hopped in Hunter's car and he drove down the road. She finally got the hang of driving, but Hunter insisted on driving her to and from school to make up for him leaving tomorrow. "Don't forget, we are celebrating big tonight because this is my last day here for a while."

"Please don't remind me. I just want to enjoy the time with you. I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow" Savannah said.

"I know but I will be busy all day anyways," He said, hoping to cheer her up.

Savannah could see the school as the car approached the drop off area. Savannah knew it was big, but it looked even bigger today. "Thanks for the ride" Savannah said getting out of the car. She didn't want to draw too much attention so she quickly waved and shut the door. She pivoted around and took a deep breath before she began her walk to her first class. 

Savannah's long day at school was a drag because all she could think about was spending the whole evening with Hunter. She instantly made friends with a few of the sophomore's in an advanced placement class she was taking. None of the other classmates seemed interesting enough to distract her mind.

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