Chapter 9- Leave the Past in the Past

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Days had gone by, but the thought of Nick still haunted her. She knew that he would make an unexpected visit and it was likely going to be in the next few days. Every night before bed Savannah's last request was to never see Nick again. Savannah dozed off in a deep slumber, but tonight was different than the last couple.

Savannah woke up screaming in the middle of the night. She was tossing and turning and yelling "no" in her sleep. Amelia rushed in to see what all the commotion was about. Savannah had gained consciousness by the time her mom stood in the doorway. "Just a bad dream. Sorry for waking you," Savannah said, hoping her mom wouldn't ask any more questions. Savannah wasn't usually the type to have nightmares, especially the ones where she was violently woken by her own screaming.

Amelia walked back to her room and fell right back to sleep. But, Savannah couldn't fall asleep. She had one thing on her mind. Nick. If she guessed right he would be making an appearance soon. She honestly was a little surprised that she hadn't ran into him yet. The thought of that kept her up the rest of the night tossing and turning. Looking at her clock it was 2 am.

Finally 4:00 rolled around and she couldn't take the tossing and turning anymore. She got up and threw on a pair of jeans she found that she didn't even know she owned. She tossed a white shirt on, one her mom gave her and headed downstairs. Trying to avoid her moms piercing eyes, she sat down at the table and quietly ate her breakfast.

Finally her mom broke the silence, "Sav you look awful, do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?"

Savannah shook her head not wanting to explain to her mom the fear she had. After she was up late last night texting Hunter and the restless night's sleep, she didn't want to have to deal with today. All she wanted to do was crawl back in her bed and fall asleep until it was tomorrow.

Hunter rang the doorbell and Savannah jumped up and raced to the door. "Sav you look awful" he said looking at the bags under her eyes.

"Yeah I know" she muttered stalking off to the kitchen to finish her breakfast.

"Good Morning Ms. Belmont" Hunter said in a cheery voice. It annoyed Savannah how much of a morning person he was.

"Good morning Hunter. And I told you to please call me Amelia"

"Right, sorry Amelia," he said smiling.

The three of them went and attended to the animals. After they finished they all stunk. Hunter went home quickly to shower before coming back over.

Savannah was still getting ready when Hunter arrived. He joined Amelia in the kitchen.

Savannah had finished getting ready and walked down the stairs. She overheard her mom talking to Hunter. She couldn't believe what she heard. "I'm glad you let your mom talk you into hanging out with Savannah. I know she can be hard to manage sometime, but you've been good to her since we've arrived." Savannah thought that meant Hunter was just hanging out with her for his mom and her mom's sake.

She barged in, making her presence known and shouted, "Well if you think I'm so hard to manage then just leave me alone!" She looked at both of them before running out of the house. She didn't know where she was headed but when she was far enough away she slowed her pace to a walk. She didn't really know where to go but the fields of trees were pulling her in.

Suddenly she heard a voice, "well, well, well if it isn't virgin Savannah." Savannah turned to see Nick standing there. "Oh wait that's not true anymore" he chuckled looking her up and down. He recognized the dress she was wearing, one of his favorites.

Savannah felt around in her pocket for her phone but it wasn't there. Fear washed over her stopping her in her tracks, paralyzing her.

Back at the house Hunter realized when he tried to call Savannah that she didn't have her phone. He quickly ran outside to try to find her. He needed to explain himself. He thought he already had but she must have gotten the wrong impression. He had told her, his mom had made him go the first day. But, after that he went all on his own. Amelia must have just had the wrong impression. Because, he really did care for her. Now where was she?

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