Chapter 10- Communication is Key

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Savannah helped walk Hunter to the couch. Amelia had called Hunters parents and briefly explained what happened. Lynette was on her way now.

Savannah grabbed two bags and stuffed them full of ice. She sat down on the couch next to Hunter and handed him one for his lip. "Lift your shirt." she told him.

Before she placed the ice bag she noticed the huge bruise that was already forming. "Is it bad?" he asked. She didn't say anything. She just held the ice bag on the bruise. "Oww," he clenched at the pain.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault." Savannah said teary eyed.

"No it's not, come here" Hunter said, wrapping his free arm around her and pulling her close. She rested her head on his chest as she held the ice bag in place.

"Oh my goodness, Hunter what happened!" Lynette yelled, catching them off guard. She stood in the living room looking at her son. Savannah sprang up and let go of the ice. Hunter caught it before it fell on the ground. Too bad Lynette ruined their first intimate moment.

"I was in a fight. I lost." Hunter chucked at his own joke, but clenched his stomach in pain.

"Well clearly. Did this have something to do with her?" Lynette said looking at Savannah like she was crazy. Sure Lynette had pushed Hunter to meet the new girl but she never expected her son to compromise his morals and get into a fight. Lynette didn't know much about the situation, but judging by the way Hunter looked she was not amused at all.

"Mom no. I'll explain it later" Hunter tried to say.

But Lynette was fed up and told her son, "Let's go. We'll talk about this at home." Lynette stood there waiting for Hunter to stand and she wrapped her arm around him and walked him out of the house.

"I'm sorry." Hunter mouthed as he was being walked out of the house.

Amelia came in just as Savannah started to cry again. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"What did you tell Lynette?"

"Well I told her what happened."

"Well great she hates me. And probably thinks I'm a whore" Savannah said through the tears.

"Sav you are not. What Nick did was wrong. It's not your fault"

"Yes it is." Savannah confessed. She collapsed on the couch and let the tears fall. It was all her fault. She never told her mom the whole story. "The night of prom, Nick and I were going to do it for the first time. I led him on, I let him believe we would. We were caught up in the moment but suddenly it felt wrong. So as we were making out, I told him to stop. But, he wouldn't."

"I know" was all Savannah could muster. She knew it wasn't her fault. Maybe her naiveness started it all, but that didn't give her the blame for what he did. She knew the guilt she was holding on to wasn't healthy and she needed to let it go. She wasn't ready to forgive Nick, especially after what he pulled today. But she knew none of it was her fault, like he once made her believe.

Back at the Hayes', Hunter and his mom got into a huge argument. "That girl is bad news. You need to stop hanging out with her" Lynette demanded.

"Mother that is totally uncalled for. You don't know what she had to go through today. No one should face that alone" Hunter said defending Savannah the best he could. Pain still coursed through him, but the anger was taking over.

"I know and I agree that was totally wrong. But her and her mother can deal with it alone. Give her some space" she said trying her best not to judge Savannah too harshly.

"Oh give her space? You're the one who encouraged me to hang out with her in the first place!"

"Well I didn't know she was this troubled" she retorted.

"Really mom. You think she's a whore don't you? Well here's one for you. It was my fault she was out in the fields today. She heard Amelia thanking me for what you set up. Savannah overheard and thought I was only seeing her because you told me to. So if anything it's my fault mom. And she's not a whore she was raped" Hunter says and his mom begins to tear up. "Listen I don't want to fight. I want to enjoy the time I have at home, and I can choose whoever I decide to spend that time with."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I was just worried about you. But, I can see you're just fine" his mom. "I want to make it up to you and Savannah too. Maybe you could invite her for dinner" Lynette suggested feeling really bad.

All Savannah wanted to do was crawl into bed for the night, just as she wanted to when she first woke up. As she was lying in bed her phone beeped and she opened the message.

From Hunter
I'm sorry about earlier with my mom. She's really sorry and wants to make it up to you. Do you and your mom want to join us for dinner?

She looked at the clock, it was still midday. But she didn't feel like doing anything.

To Hunter:
I don't feel well. I'm just going to stay in for tonight. Rain check?

Savannah and Hunter texted for the next couple hours straight. Hunter was able to explain what Amelia was talking about and she understood. She even found the courage to confide in him about how she always believed it was her fault but now she knew better. Hunter understood and felt bad for her. Although, Savannah refused to feel like the victim, she just wanted to put all of it in the past and enjoy the present.

Hunter also explained why he had the restraining order. It was because Savannah's mom had asked him to send a request in since it would go faster because it was a celebrity asking for it. Finding that out made Savannah realize that Hunter really did care about her.

August 19th, 2012

Dear Diary,

You wouldn't believe the events that happened today. I don't want to give many details because I don't want to relive it when I read this entry some other time. But, let's just say Nick came back and he got what he deserved. I'm just relieved that Hunter has still stuck by my side through all of this. Half the time it's hard for me to tell what he's thinking or feeling. He's not the type who wears his heart on his sleeve. But, I think I can get through to him. I feel awful for what Nick did to Hunter. His stomach is badly bruised and he was definitely going to have a fat lip. 

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