Chapter 11- An Unexpected Face

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Savannah was up at the crack of dawn again. After her morning on the farm, she got ready for the day and began writing.

Aug 21st, 2012

Dear Diary,

I can't believe I've already been here for a whole week. I met an awesome guy and I think I've spent more time with him than I have at my own house. I know my mom is happy but annoyed at the same time. But, I think she's doing just fine. Since Hunter was pretty beat up from the encounter with Nick, I wasn't able to see him the last two days. But, today he is feeling a little better and ready for visitors. I wanted to celebrate being here for a week, but I think that's going to have to wait. 

Savannah felt bad that Hunter still had some residual pain from the fight, since it was her fault after all. He wasn't "sick" but she wanted to bring him soup as a way of saying sorry and thank you. Even though Hunter told her he didn't blame her for him getting punched twice by Nick. But, it did make Hunter think about taking up boxing, just in case he needed to defend himself again.

Another thing Savannah couldn't get off her mind was the moment they shared briefly the other day, until they were interrupted. She wondered if it meant anything at all to Hunter or if he just thought they were comforting each other. Regardless, she felt like she needed to say something.

She desperately needed to go shopping because she couldn't keep wearing her designer clothes and her patience with wearing her mom's clothes was wearing thin. She was planning on going today but Hunter had said he really wanted to go and he was in no shape to take a trip to the mall. She threw on a dress and flats and grabbed her purse on the way out.

She walked down the road to Hunters house. When she got there she knocked and Lynette opened the door. "I see you're feeling better. I'm sorry about the other day. I wish you could have come to dinner but I understand why you didn't want to" Lynette said, apologizing for her behavior the other day.

"Thanks. Yeah, my mom and I would love to come some other time though" Savannah decided to add.

"Hunters in his room" Lynette said. "Up the stairs and to the left. The doors open."

"Thanks" Savannah said as she climbed the long flight of stairs. She turned to the left and took a deep breath in, then entered his room. She had never seen his room before but he had seen hers. Although he hadn't seen her room all decorated yet. She was saving that for another time. She saw Hunter laying in his bed holding an ice pack to his stomach. She tried to hold in a giggle as she saw how big his lower lip was.

"It's okay. I know I look ridiculous" Hunter said, as if reading her thoughts.

She laughed, "Yeah... does it hurt?" she asked, sitting down beside him.

"Actually not too bad. My stomach, not so much. I think that's going to take a little longer to heal." He removed the ice pack to show her his bruise. He had a nice body, she didn't realize it the other day because she was focused on other things. She suddenly felt hot and steered her eyes away from him. She looked around his room. After they had gone to the Fontanel she imagined his room to be like one of the ones she saw there. Filled with album posters, all things music and a bunch of guitars. Her guess was pretty good, he had 3 different guitars in his room, a keyboard and an accordion?

He noticed her staring at it. "A toy accordion was the first instrument I learned to play" he laughed, but realized it hurt his stomach too much. "My grandmother gave me a toy one when I was 2. So when I had enough money, I thought it would be proper to buy myself a real one" he added.

She laughed. "I would love to hear you play it sometime," she said.

"Here, hand it to me," he said motioning for Savannah to pick it up. He put the ice down and began to play some random notes. He was a little rusty because he wasn't used to playing it all the time.

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