Chapter 12- Finding a Hobby

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Savannah never imagined that this would be the way she met her father for the first time. Now that she thought about it he looked a lot like her. This definitely wasn't how she picture him though. He had long curly brown hair. That's where she got her perfect curly ringlet brown hair, from her dad as well as her eyes. She definitely didn't get her height from him though. He towered over both her and her mom. Her mom never showed her pictures of him because she never thought it was important. He was out of their lives. Except by some turn of events he came back into it. After all the years she pictured her dad she wasn't expecting this. He was wearing skinny jeans and a flannel tee-shirt. She didn't know what brand of shoes he was wearing but they looked something like vans. After she heard he was living in Nashville she pictured him as a cowboy but he was surprisingly normal. She couldn't believe that this was the place of all places where she finally met him. She looked at her mom who was still processing it. She realized that her mom had never told her anything about her father. She imagined that they had met here long ago when her mom worked on the farm. Maybe he never even knew about her life in Manhattan. Savannah felt weird like she was in the middle of their stare fest. And it didn't help that she was wearing designer clothes. Luckily her mom had taken on the role of a country girl and hadn't changed before they left. 

Both Amelia and Devin were having flashbacks about the first time they met.

It was a hot summer evening in Nashville. Amelia and her parents had been there for about a week. Her parents were well known in the city. They were invited to all the parties when they visited. That evening they were going to a hoedown at the bar and Amelia was invited. While she was there, a lonely cow boy was smitten with her good looks and charm. He asked her to dance and she agreed. After that, they started seeing each other every day. Amelia had fallen hard for a cowboy, an unlikely match. Her parents weren't thrilled because he didn't come from a family of wealth and when he had impregnated her, that was the end of it. However, Amelia didn't want a prince charming, she wanted her cowboy. It wasn't that he just wasn't ready to be a father, Amelia's parents had driven him away from her. That was a secret Amelia was keeping from Savannah because she didn't want Savannah to hate the only grandparents she knew.

Devin stood there as white as a ghost. This was his daughter. He took in all her features noting the commonalities they had. It was a few, she looked more like her mother, she was beautiful. Silence was filling the air and he finally spoke, "I still can't believe it's really you," Devin said to Amelia. He was so happy to see her he forgot he was even with someone. Another woman walked up to him and looped her arm through his.

"Ready babe?" she asked in an innocent voice. "Who's this?" the woman asked, confused about the awkward encounter. 

"Oh, ugh no one. Sorry for running into you" he said walking away with his little country princess. Yuck, Savannah thought.

She turned to her mom. "I'm sorry. I never thought this would happen."

"Maybe this was a bad idea to come. Maybe we should just move back home. He clearly has moved on" Amelia expressed, feeling completely defeated and still in shock.

"Or maybe he hasn't. I saw the way he was looking at you mom. He still clearly has feelings for you" Savannah said, trying to be encouraging.

"I'm not so sure. Did you see that woman? She was beautiful" Amelia replied holding back tears she didn't know were forming. 

"Not as much as you," Savannah said, trying to cheer her mom up. Her mom sighed and walked towards the sewing machines trying to forget the last several minutes. They picked out the one that caught Savannah's eye. She also grabbed a beginners sewing book. They walked around the store and Savannah picked up some material to use to practice and then picked out what she wanted for her first piece of clothing. They walked up to the cashier and paid for their items.

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