Chapter 15- Centennial Park

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Savannah practically flew down the stairs when she heard the doorbell ring. "Hey" she greeted Hunter as she opened the door trying to act cool.

"Hey there," he said, giving her a warm hug.

"What's on the agenda today?" she asked curiosity filling her mind.

"Well first off, I wanted to see your finished room" he said.

They walked upstairs into Savannah's room. She had one wall covered with stuff from high school. The walls were pretty bare but she had finished putting everything away from the boxes. She had a couple paintings she did a while back that she dug up and hung on the wall. The last thing he noticed was the article published when his song Wanted went platinum, hanging above her desk. "Now that's just creepy" he laughed.

"It's my inspiration," she retorted. "I have it here so every time I see it I'll remember how passionate you are about your music and hopefully it will inspire me" Savannah replied. "But I can take it down if it's weird."

He laughed uncontrollably. "That's ridiculous. But, you can leave it up. I hope it gives you inspiration" Hunter said blushing and turned away from her.

She gave him a little shove. "Rude!"

"Kidding... Kidding" he put his hands up in defense. He looked at the paintings noticing a little signature down at the bottom. It was clearly hers. "You made those?" He asked. "They're incredible."

"Thanks" she blushed. She didn't think they were very good because she had made them such a long time ago. But, then again they were original. "Anyways. So here's my sewing machine" she said pointing to the thing covered up sitting on her desk. "Oh yeah take a look at these" she said handing him her sketchbook.

"These are amazing, not really my style though. I don't think I would look good in a plaid skirt" he laughed.

"They're not for you," she laughed.

"Well maybe sometime you could design me something that I could wear to an award ceremony. Then I could help you get the word out about your fashion design" he suggested. She thought about it. That was a good idea. "And if the whole fashion thing fails, you could definitely become an artist" he said, flipping through the rest of the sketches.

She blushed again. She took the book out of his hands and set it down next to her sewing machine. "I'll think about that. And that is a good idea. When is your next big celebrity thing anyways?"

Hunter was keeping a rather large secret from her, but he didn't want to tell her yet. He was afraid that she wouldn't want to hang out with him anymore. "Not till the end of October" he told her. "So let's get going," he said trying to avoid any more talk about the future.

"Mkay" she said, grabbing her purse. "So where are we going?" she asked again.

"I'm taking you to Centennial Park," He told her. "There is this Parthenon there and soe walking trails around a big pond" he tried to convince her. "Trust me you'll like it. It's also right next to Vanderbilt University."

"Okay I'll trust you but only because the Fontanel was so much fun" she said. They got in his car and he drove down the road. "Back to civilization" she informed, laughing at her own remark.

Once they got there they toured the museum for the majority of the morning and also walked around the beautiful trails. Hunter could tell Savannah was getting hungry because her stomach was growling. They walked back to his car and he opened the trunk. "What are we doing?" Savannah asked.

"I thought we could have a picnic" he told her, pulling out some food from a basket in his trunk.

She was beginning to think this felt too much like a date. Of course it wasn't right? They were just two friends sitting and having a picnic in Centennial Park, there was nothing special about it. Though in those romantic movies, scenes like these began as just friends, and as the friends shared the meal together they started to realize their true feelings. Savannah tried to get the thought out of her head. This was different, they were different, and they didn't have to be defined by some rules of the universe that girls and boys can't be friends without something more. "That's so sweet. And good I'm starved," She decided to say hoping he wouldn't read into it.

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