Day 13-Shopping for and/or wrapping gifts- Scott

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(Y/n) Your name

Your P.O.V.

My husband Scott and I are going to the store to pick out Christmas decorations. He is having a hard time figuring out what to get Cassie. We are having Cassie fro Christmas because her mother had her last year.

We are in the store and I see a doll that would be perfect for Cassie. It's one of those dolls that are 'alive'. It can eat, sleep, talk and kind of crawl. It's also dressed in pink which is Cassie favourite colours,

"Hey Scott look at this doll" I say

"Oh my god it's perfect, Cassie will love it" he says

We get it and I look around, trying to find something for Scott. I can't think of anything that he would really want or need. But I do go to the women's section to get a certain thing. I have been feeling sick in the morning and I missed my womanly time of the month twice now.

I get it and hide it between everything else we have bought. If it's positive I'm going to give it to his for Christmas.

When we have finished shopping we pay and go home. I grab a few presents and go to our room. I start wrapping but I also take the test. I wait anxiously for the results. Finally the results come through.

I see two lines and tears fall from my eyes. I'm pregnant. I wash the test stick thing and wrap it up. When all the presents are wrapped we put them under the Christmas tree.

"Hey (Y/n) why were you crying?" Scott asks

"Oh umm, it was nothing" I say and I go to the kitchen

"If something's wrong you can tell me" he says following me

"Oh no there's nothing wrong" I say

"Also what's the weirdly shaped present in your back pocket?" He smirks

"Do you see everything?" I ask

"Yes now what is it?" He laughs

"Well it was your Christmas present but now I think I'll get you a new one" I say handing the wrapped test

He opens it and I see his eyes water.

"I'm going to be a double father" he whispers

I burst out laughing and Cassie comes downstairs to see what's going on.

"Hey Cassie, you're going to be a big sister. Merry Christmas" I say

We all hug and I think about what I can get Scott. Maybe some of those Ant man figurines.

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