Salt in the Wound

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Angels stared as the archangel Ariel strode past them, they then knew that the rumors were true. She had switched sides. Most were scared, for they had played a part in her supposed "death." They were afraid that the young angel would take her revenge. The others were unsure of how to react. They were neither happy or angry. They were neither scared nor trusting of this new ally. The atmosphere in the room was so dense you could cut it with a knife. Ariel walked with her head held high, out of heaven and ready to capture the Winchesters.

As Ariel walked through the playground and into the forest. She stopped to think for a second.

What am I actually going to do when I get there?

You could kill them.

What? Why would I do that?

It would get rid of them permanently.

Ariel shook the thought out of her mind. The young archangel looked around, the trees were reaching for the sunlight and the ground was covered in all sort of plants. Ariel grinned as she knew her next move in this game. The ring glowed ever so slightly as the archangel headed in the direction of the bunker. A plan was forming, puzzle pieces were dropping into place. All at once, everything was coming together.

Sam and Dean were packing the Impala. Sam snapped his head to the side suddenly. Dean side glanced his brother before restarting to pack the car.

"What is it Sam?"

"I thought I heard something."

Dean listened for a moment as well, nothing was hear.

The older Winchester sighed, "You've been in this too long. Its starting to mess with your head."

Little did the men know that they were being watched.

You'd think that for a couple of experienced hunters they would sense someone was watching. Ariel thought to herself.

Ariel silently crept around to the backside of the bunker. She rubbed mud on herself and create fake cuts on face and torso. She then walked back to the front side of the bunker and stumbled out of the forest. The Winchesters snapped their heads to the archangel.

Ariel fell on the ground, "Help me," she said reaching towards the brothers.

Sam took a step forward to help their ex-friend but was held back by his older brother.

"What are you doing here Ariel?" Dean asked sternly.

Ariel took a sharp breath, "Metatron betrayed me."

"Well that's ironic. Why come to us?"

Ariel took a ragged breath as to emphasize the situation, "I have nowhere else to go."

Sam gave his brother a soft look, Dean reluctantly stepped forward and the two helped the archangel to her feet. She gave the brothers a smile.

"Thank you. Thank you for being such idiots."

Suddenly, vines sprouted up from the ground, entangling the hunters and capturing them. The two struggled against the plants in an attempt to escape, but the hold was too strong. Ariel smirked while she watched the boys thrash against the vines. The mud had dissipated from her and the wounds were gone. It was almost as if they had never been there in the first place.

Ariel laughed, "You really thought I would be so ignorant as to come to you for help? Please, I would be better off asking a rock for assistance."

Dean growled, "What are you going to do Poison Ivy?"

"Well Batman, I'm going to turn you into Metatron. Then with you bozos out of the way, we can finally do what should have been done long ago."

"Restart apocalypse." Sam finished.

Ariel nodded, "Now, let's get you two to heaven."


Metatron was astounded by the fact that the archangel had captured to Winchester so easily. She stood in front of the new god with the hunters being restrained by four angels each.

"Very good Ariel, you've proved yourself a worthy soldier."

"Thank you sir," Ariel acted as if she was a soldier.

"Now that you have completed the mission," he now turned to the extra angel in the room, "take Ariel to the jail and the Winchesters to the interrogation room."

Ariel's face fell, "What?"

Metatron laughed, "You really think I didn't see it coming? I could see your betrayal coming from miles away. I have to admit, you are cunning and powerful, if you weren't on the other side we would have been good partners. However, I could see the deception in your eyes. So, to jail you go."

The angels pulled the three out of the room, the archangel screaming at Metatron.

"No! I helped you, I was on your side Metatron." The angel tugged on her, "Stop it. Metatron!"

Metatron laughed, "Guess you're not as smart as you thought." 


So it's been awhile *nervous laughter* BUT I DID IT! The new chapter...

I know a lot of people are like "WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

Sorry. Love you guys. Don't forget to comment, vote, you know, all the juicy stuff.

There was one more thing... OH!

We are nearing the end of the book. I know you guys are sad but I have lots of plans for things in the future (including a second book).

I didn't say anything!

This note is too long.

Stay beautiful!

Allysaurus (a.k.a your favorite author)

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