A New Game

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Dean stepped up to the plate, ready to swing for the fences. His father was cheering him on in the crowd. The dust of the baseball diamond was picked up by the wind, making a small tornado of dirt. It stung Dean's eyes, but he didn't care. All he thought about was hitting that baseball. The pitcher winded up ready to throw a curveball. Dean could see it a mile away. The ball flew through the air in an arc, Dean swung.


The ball went soaring through the air. Dean dropped the bat and raced to first base. The ball was going, going, going, and gone. The Winchester trotted around the rest of the bases, the dirt sticking to his uniform. The crowd was chanting his name.

"Dean! Dean! DEAN!"

Dean snapped awake to see his brother shaking him.


"Let's go."

The older Winchester groaned and rolled out of the cheap motel bed. He pulled on his boots, got dressed, and helped his little brother start packing up the gear; guns, angel blades, and holy oil.

"You ready?" Sam asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Dean picked up the duffel bag and followed his brother out the door.

The drive to the barn was short, but it may have been the longest trip in the world. Dean still couldn't figure out why Cas left so quickly. Even if something was wrong, the angel would usually tell the brothers. When Dean asked Sam, Sam just shrugged it off, saying he had no idea. The older Winchester began to grow suspicious, but didn't pry. They parked the impala around the back behind some bushes so no one could see. The boys creeped up on the warehouse, it looked deserted, but the Winchesters knew that looks can be deceiving.

Dean motioned for Sam to follow him around a corner, the boys rounded the corner to face a guard. The guard swiftly pulled an angel blade out of his sleeve and charged toward the two humans. Dean pulled out an angel blade as well and began to grapple with the guard. The two were punching and thrashing. The angel pinned Dean up against a wall, Sam came up behind the guard and stabbed him in the back. A blue white light lit up the older Winchester's face before the guard fell to the ground.


"You're welcome."

The Winchesters continued on and walked into the dark warehouse. The air was dry and musty. The Winchester's stepped inside, the door slammed shut behind them. A light came on in the middle of the room, the boys could see a small bloody figure chained up.


Dean ran to his friend, but as soon as he reached the figure, it disappeared.

"What?" Sam raced to his brother's side.

The light appeared again a few feet away. The brother's raced the to figure again, it disappeared.

"What the hell is going on!?"

A laugh echoed through the warehouse, the light appeared again, but this time, Metatron was standing underneath it.

"Hello Winchesters."

"Metatron, give us back Cas." Dean demanded.

"Oh, poor little human missing his angel? Well, maybe I won't kill him, if you play my game."

"You're game?" Sam questioned.

"Yes, my game. Gabriel isn't the only one who likes to have a little fun you know."

Metatron smirked.

"There are 10 different rooms in this warehouse, each containing a prisoner. If you find Castiel, you survive, if you pick the wrong prisoner, well, you're dead."

"How do you know we won't just stab you and release all the prisoners?" Dean said.

"A, you won't because you care too much about that disgrace of an angel."

Dean growled, Sam's face darkened.

"And B you won't because the prisoners are all different kinds of monsters, from a vampire to a wendigo."

Sam turned to Dean with a questioning look on his face. Dean gave his brother a curt nod.

"I think we will have to decline your offer."


The demon walked into a library. He was silently cursing out the king in his mind.

This is stupid, a little human girl couldn't take out the Winchesters if the were dying. Let alone with the older one having the Mark of Cain.

The demon walked passed the rows of neatly shelved books. He finally reached the computer area, there was only one other person, they were watching porn in the corner. The demon walked over to an empty computer and sat down. He began to type on the silly human machine. Demons usually could find out information from peers, but all anyone seemed to know was that the girl's name was Ariel Edwards. The machine was slow and brought up searches about some basketball player, he then began to look at some news articles. He looked at one such article that dated 4 years ago. At first he didn't think it would be anything, but as he read, the article provided information that was truly astonishing.

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