A New Development

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The office was dead silent. Fog started rolling in, adding to the eerie mood. The trio got out of the car with a creak of the old doors. Ariel stared at the building, this couldn't be it, could it? Dean pulled the handgun out from his waistband and approached the doors with extreme caution. He gave a short nod to Sam before he kicked in the mahogany doors. They fell with a loud crash, dust rippled up from the floor.

"Cas?" Dean yelled.

"Shhhh!" Ariel warned.

Dean glared at the younger girl. The group crept forward silently, Sam and Dean took the lead. Sam turned to look behind them and realized that Ariel was still in fact with them. They had forgotten to lock her in the car! He mentally faced palmed before turning back to Ariel. The younger Winchester was surprised to see a cross bow loaded with sliver glistening arrows in her hands. He suddenly forgot all about leaving her in the car.


Dean interrupted Sam's thoughts.

"Over here," Dean whispered.

Dean was standing by a pair of glass double doors, the shades were drawn so they couldn't see inside.

"It's too quiet in here. Something is not right," Dean stated the obvious.

Sam agreed with his brother. They opened the double doors and entered the main area tailed by Ariel. They stopped short, in front of them was the entire group of angels. Castiel was being held by several of the strongest angels.

"Dean." Cas said, his voice was strained.

Dean remained focused on Cas as other angels took hold of him and his brother, Ariel was nowhere to be seen.

The angel Hanna stood in front, silver blade in hand, ready to fight if needed.

"You, Dean Winchester, are a menace, you corrupted Castiel. Without you Castiel could have leaded us in peace. It is all your fault."

Hanna never broke her gaze from Dean. She was blaming him, not Sam, not the brothers together, only him.

"Now, you'll have to pay."

Hanna raised the angel blade ready to bring down upon the older Winchester. Dean was ready to face his death, convinced after the longest time, that he deserved it. That was not to happen, for a silver arrow came streaming from across the room and knocked the blade out of the woman's hand. It skidded across the floor and bumped against a desk on the far wall. Everyone turned to where the arrow had been shot from. Sure enough, the teenage girl had the crossbow aimed at the large group of angels.

"Stand down," Ariel demanded like some sort of commander instead of a 14 year old girl.

Hanna nodded towards the stairs leading up to the walkway on which Ariel was standing. Four angels ran up the stairwell and faced the girl. She looked small and outmatched against the adult angels, but Sam and Dean knew better than to underestimate her. The first angel lunged at her, Ariel quickly dodged it and gave the 30-year old man angel a push, he fell over the railing landing on a computer. It sparked adding to the epic scene. Two more angels thrashed at the child, angel blades glinting in the dim light. Ariel swung at the female, her fist connecting with the woman's jaw. The female stumbled backwards as the other angel began to swing at Ariel, she dodged and then slid under the man's legs. She got up and turned in time to drive the angels blade into his own heart. Finally the other two angels had enough, they both dived on top of the girl, pinned her to the ground. Their strength combined was no match for the small girl. Then, a miracle happened, the Earth started to shake, in a matter of seconds, the small tremor grew into a large earthquake. With the angels disoriented, Sam and Dean saw their chance to escape. They swung around, the angels quickly fell. The brothers turned back to the girl on the walkway, she was now standing, trying to keep the angels from shoving the blade into her.


The boys looked up just in time to see part of the roof collapse on top of Ariel and the other angels. The earthquake suddenly stopped, the boys grabbed Cas, who was now laying on the floor, and raced up the stairs leading to the pile of rubble.

"Ariel!" Dean shouted as Sam began to dig.

A small hand shot through the bricks and waved at them. Sam and Dean pulled cement and steel off of the girl. She stood up and brushed herself off.

"Well that was exciting," she said in a flat tone.

"Now is not the time, we need to leave. Now!" Cas yelled.

The horde of angels began to rise and swarmed toward the foot in the stairs. Luckily, when the roof collapsed it left a big gaping hole in the ceiling. They all scrambled toward the opening, climbing on top of brick, steel, and cement. Ariel was the first one to reach the rooftop, she pulled the guys up on top with a strength that was quiet astounding. They all ran toward the edge unsure of what to do next. A large tree was only a few feet away, Ariel took a couple steps back, ran forward, and leaped to a large branch, she motioned for the boys to follow. The angry angels had begun to climb on the roof.

"It's now or never Sammy."

The three men took steps backward.

"On three," Sam said urgently.

"One. Two. Three!"

The group leaped off the roof, caught the branches of the tree and began descending. Once they reached the ground, Ariel was standing by the car. Cas, Sam, and Dean took off to the car. The group piled in. Dean gunned it and sped away from the horde of irate angels. Now, Dean was interested in the girl, she had shown strength that did not belong in such a small body. She had also fought those angels like she had been doing this for years. Dean was more confused than ever. It was Cas, however, that was the most confused out of the group. This girl seemed familiar, and she look at the angel, like she knew him. Cas pushed the thought out of his mind and stared at the passing field. He had only two questions that remained stuck in his mind.

Who is this girl? What is she capable of?



Thanks for reading! This is my first fan fiction so it may not be good compared to others who have more experience, but hopefully I will gain some (experience) by writing. Don't forget to comment! I love reading them and responding! After this story is complete, there will be many more to come!

Love you guys,


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