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Ariel ran, she ran faster than she ever had before. The sun was setting in the forest and it was getting dark. She ran for another hour, until it was so dark that she couldn't see. She finally broke down, Ariel put her head in her hand and sobbed. She replayed the torture scenes in her head, over and over again. She leaned against a tree and focused on getting out of the mess she was in. She needed to find the Winchesters, they could lead her to Castiel.


The library was larger than any other room in the bunker. Lamps washed the place in a golden light. In the center were red chairs and a long red couch. An oak coffee table sat in the middle of the ring of furniture. A stone fireplace sat just beyond the circle on the back wall. Book shelves dominated the rest of the room. Their sleek dark wood glinting in the light. Ariel ran her hand along the numbers carve in the shelves.

"Wow," Sam exclaimed.

Castiel walked over to a large book on a stand and began to read.

"It's a log book," Cas started in his gravely voice," It says that the angel named Azreal helped the Men of Letters build this place, but then it just stops."

"Who's Azreal?" Dean asked as he plopped down on the red couch.

"Azreal is an archangel, more specifically the angel of death." Sam explained as he wandered between rows.

"He has been known to work with demons, there were speculations that suggest he was involved in the fall of the Men of Letters." Cas explained flipping through the log book.

Ariel wandered to the back of the library. Looking through the rows and found a book entitled, Heaven's Gates, she pulled it off the shelf, sat down and began reading. The book told of the gates of heaven and how one gains access. About halfway through the book it began talking about the spell Metatron used to cast the angels out. It also told of a way to reverse it.

"Guys!" She yelled for the boys.

They came rushing into the isle, Ariel stood up and walked over to show them the book. Sam took it gently from her and began reading.

"This is fantastic!" Sam said after a few silent seconds of reading, "We can finally fix the spell."

Cas couldn't believe what he was reading, the book told them of the stone of heaven. That was one of the most guarded secrets in angel history.

"What's the stone of heaven?" Dean asked.

"The stone of heaven is the tear drop of god. Given to a certain angel after birth, the angel was told to keep it a secret in case of betrayal," Cas explained without going into too much detail.

Ariel cringed at the word betrayal, but the boys were to focused on the book to notice. She had a flashback of the cell.

Dark and desolate, the gate creaked open followed by Ariel being grabbed and dragged to a small room. She was tied to a chair, then the angels came, they tortured her. She would not yield however. Finally they left after hours of inflicting excruciating pain on the girl. Then, the opposing side of angels stormed the jail, keeping the guard angels busy, and giving Ariel just enough time to escape.

She returned to the present, still facing the Winchesters and the angel. Castiel was explaining the stone's powers.

"The stone can kill angels in an instant. It can transport anyone from heaven to Earth and vise versa, but that is it. It can't take you to different places on Earth, only were it all started."

"Where did it all start?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that the stone can only be used by it's wielder. For all we know the wielder could be dead or one of Metatron's."

Dean sighed.

"Okay, so we'll just have to stick to killing Metatron," Sam concluded.

Dean walked away and ducked back into the tunnel to go back into the bunker. Once he was out of earshot, Cas pulled Sam aside, thinking they were alone.

"Sam, the stone can also remove the Mark of Cain," Cas said unaware that Ariel had moved to the next row and was still listening.

Sam's face lost all color, his eyes darkened with determination.

"Then we have to find it," Sam slammed the booked closed and stormed out.

Cas followed behind, Ariel remained in the library, thinking.

I have to help them. If you do they will be killed. No, I can protect them. You can't take on an entire army of angels. But Dean-- No.

 Ariel gave out a frustrated sigh and banged her fist against one of the shelves.

This is going to far. 

That was the last thing Ariel thought as she exited the library.


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