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"Hey, look at this."

Dean turned a record book so that Sam could see it.

"This warehouse was empty for 30 years 'till a man came and rented it out. A man by the name of Marvin Green."

Sam raised his eyebrows and yawned, the boys had been up all night trying to find their lost angel friend. Dean turned toward the clock, 12:34 A.M.

"Well, let's get some sleep and we will check it out tomorrow."

"Agreed," Dean replied.

The boys closed their books and flopped onto the queen size beds. Sam fell asleep instantly, Dean stared up at the ceiling.

Where are you Cas? Why wasn't I there to save you?

Dean was being torn apart, he felt that he had failed his friend, again. Cas had saved both of the brother's lives countless times. Yet, all the brothers did for Cas was give him crap. At least Dean did, but it was because he cares too much to see the people he loves get hurt. Dean would never admit it of course, he has a reputation to uphold. He pondered these thoughts for hours until he finally fell asleep.


Crowley sat on his throne, demons were shuffling about, doing the bidding of their king. The king had heard of the Winchester's new protege, but he never met her until today. He noticed how she seemed, off. Her soul was a very peculiar one. Human souls usually glowed bright yellow, like they were their own little sun. This girl's soul was blue, nothing like any human he has ever seemed. As much as Crowley denied it, he cared about the Winchesters. He decided that he should research the girl, to make sure she was telling the truth. What did she say her name was? Ariel? Ariel what? Crowley motioned for a demon servant to appear in front of him.

"Yes, your majesty" the demon said, his voice quivered with terror.

"I trust you have heard about the Winchester's new protege."

"Yes sir."

"Well I want you to do some research on her. I can't have another monster trying to tear my business partner's away once again."

"Right away, sire."

With that the demon walked out of the throne room and out of the castle. He walked with caution not wanting to end up on the king's hit list.


The angels were all bent over computers, they had been told to keep an eye on the captured Castiel and the Winchesters. Metatron didn't want anyone ruining his game.And for the moment, Metatron had completely forgotten about the mysterious Ariel. He was too focused the story's ending. An ending that depicted him winning.


Everybody was busy thinking about how to win the game of Monopoly. In fact, they were too busy thinking about killing each other to notice that another player joined the game. And that player was taking Boardwalk.  

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