Ring of Fire

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Metatron typed away on his typewriter. Enjoying the little clicks it made when he tapped on the keys. His brow was furrowed in concentration, Metatron had been informed that the Winchesters now had a new ally on their side. They others said that the ally is a little girl, but they said she is not like any other. The angels said her soul was very peculiar, it almost didn't seem human. Everyone in heaven was in confusion, Metatron even more so. He needed to find a way to stop the Winchesters and Castiel, but now that seemed even harder as the brothers gained more recruits. The typing stopped, Metatron looked up from his paper, a light bulb went off in his head.

If he was going to win this war, he might need to get the little girl on his side. He would need to turn the Winchesters allies against them. A grin passed Metatron's face and he disappeared with a flap of wings.


Ariel crawled out of the tunnel, a shut it behind her. The boys had trotted off to do things by themselves. Ariel grabbed her jacket and walked up the stairs, and out of the bunker. She pulled on the jacket as the cold wind nipped at her skin. She needed time to think, away from all her troubles. She walked down the gravel road, her thoughts bounced around inside her head like she was a bouncy castle. Ariel was too focused to see the man standing in front of her, she crashed straight into him, knocking them both down.

"Sorry," Ariel muttered and she pulled the man to his feet.

The man was short, he had a gray scruff, and gray curly hair. The man grabbed the sides of her head and looked straight into her eyes

"The angels were right, you do have a very peculiar soul." 

Ariel pulled away and moved her hand into her back pocket. The handle of the dagger felt cold in her hand.

"Metatron," she said with absolute disgust.

"Calm down sweetheart, I just want to talk."

"Well I don't."

"Then don't talk just listen to me. You should join me, I will take care of you, I will treat you better than them. Those Winchesters don't care about you, in fact, they will turn on you faster than you can blink. If it comes down to it, the Winchesters will sooner give up their lives for a complete stranger, rather than you."

Ariel did not move an inch, the words were bouncing off of a stone cold shell.

"To them I am a complete stranger."

Metatron crept forward little by little until he was standing right in front of the girl. He was short and looked at the girl straight on.

"You are the missing link in this story, you can create the perfect ending if you come with me."

Ariel's eyes moved all around Metatron examining him with a cold expression. She then stared straight into Metatron's eyes. Her eyes were cold and emotionless.

"Not every story has a perfect ending."

With that Ariel turned on her heel and ran down the path toward the bunker. She knew that she couldn't outrun the angel but maybe if she led him far enough away, she could take him. The top of the bunker slowly came into view. The impala was parked in the driveway, Dean was working on the engine. Ariel called out to him but Metatron appeared right in front of Ariel, stopping her in her tracks. He was completely ignorant of the fact that Dean was right behind him. Dean turned around to see what caused the commotion, when he saw Metatron he remained silent and slowly crept toward the place where his coat and angel blade was at. Ariel never broke her gaze from the angel, she didn't want to give anything away.

Clipped Wings- SupernaturalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ