Getting Involved

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Dean lunged toward the angel with his blade raised. Metatron just stood and laughed, then with a flick of his wrist, he sent the Winchester flying across the room. Sam was deeply confused by his brothers actions. The he realized, the Mark of Cain. Dean emerged from the darkness once again, anger was radiating from him.


Sam tried to stop his brother, but he did not prevail. The older Winchester was too strong and pushed past the younger brother. Dean charged toward Metatron, but the angel just laughed and disappeared.

"Metatron! You son of a bitch!"

"Aw come on now Dean-o that's not very nice."

The lights dimmed, a small voice echoed through the darkness. It wasn't that of the brothers or Metatron. It was very weak at first, but then grew louder.

"Dean? Dean!"


The brother fumbled in the darkness, searching for the lost angel. The light came up again, this time Metatron was holding a small bloody figure.

"Cas!" Dean repeated, but he didn't move an inch.

"Looky here, I have your little friend."

"Let him go Metatron." Sam said rejoining the conversation.

"Why should I do that? You wouldn't play my game. Now you die."

"No," Cas said quietly.

He looked up from the floor, his eye were filled with pain and grief.

"Have fun boys!" Metatron waved, then with a rustle of wings, disappeared.

The boys were left in the darkness, that is when they heard the sickening creak of cell doors opening.



The demon read the article over and over again. He zoomed in on all the pictures, every little detail was examined thoroughly, no stone was left unturned. He read the article once more and printed it out. The stupid little human machine couldn't print fast enough. When it was finally done, the demon ripped it from the tray and ran. He ran through the isle of books and out of the library. He didn't stop until he reached the castle. He barged through the doors of the throne room. The king was playing darts.

"Now, that's no way to enter a room."

"My apologies, sire."

"This better be important." The king strutted back over to his throne and sat down, leaning back on the red cushion.

"It is important your majesty."

The demon handed the article over to Crowley. The king began to read with a bored look on his face. Soon he leaned forward with a more serious look on his face.

"Oh, this is important. Thank you."

Crowley waved his hand and the demon retreated from the room.

"Moose and Squirrel, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"

With a snap of his fingers, the king disappeared.


Ariel sat in a chair around the world map table in the foyer. She was twirling a small knife between her fingers.

I wonder what the Winchesters are doing.

Don't care.

Why do I keep saying that? I do care about the Winchesters.

Ariel banged her head on the table in frustration. The knife fell on the table with a clang. She stared at the floor, her hair framed her vision giving it a blue tint.

I should go help them.

Ariel stood up, having made up her mind, she stomped out of the bunker.


Metatron reappeared in his office. Castiel appeared tied up the the chair directly across from him.

"Now then Asstiel, shall we watch the Winchesters die?"

Castiel made a low grunting noise, his mouth was duct taped. Metatron turned the computer so that it faced the ex-angel.

The archangel then pushed a button on a phone and spoke, "Send squad beta to warehouse D to supervise the battle. Tell them, should anything happen, kill the Winchesters."

Cas's eyes widened with worry. He needed to find a way out of this place and help the Winchesters.


Growls erupted from every direction in the warehouse. Sam and Dean were back to back, holding angel blades. The warehouse was pitch black, they were the only ones who couldn't see.

"I smell Winchesters!" One twisted voice yelled.

That caused an eruption of howls and inhuman screams. Dean felt something breathing in his face, he slashed the blade. It connected with the stomach of a vampire. It howled in pain and stumbled backwards. Sam swung at something as well, but he missed a wendigo by a few inches. Soon more and more monsters were surrounding the Winchesters.


"Yah Dean?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if I hadn't picked you up that night, you and Jess would be living some apple pie life right now."

Sam took a deep breath, "Dean no matter what we have been through, I can't imagine my life being any different."

The brothers were ready to die, all the monsters were ready to kill. Dean thought about all he could have done and what he would have done if given a second chance. Sam thought about how he would finally be with Jess. They were ready to die, but others were not ready to let them. A light burst through the door. A dark figure appeared, and with a snap of their fingers, all the monsters disappeared.

"Hello boys."  

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