Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Sam and Dean walked into a diner a few miles outside of Kansas City, Missouri. They boys were tired from searching the city for an angel that they had failed to locate.

"I don't know Sammy," Dean started as the two sat down in the booth," it seems quiet around here."

Sam sighed and started scanning the restaurant, it seemed like the two were searching for something that wasn't there. Then again, that seemed to happen all the time. The diner was mostly empty except for two biker guys at the counter, a lone waitress, and a 14-year old girl sitting in the red booth behind them.

"Why would Cas send us fake information?" Sam argued as he turned back towards Dean.

"I don't know, because he is still frazzled by the pressures of leadership."

"Did you just say frazzled?" asked Sam raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up," Dean said, turning to the waitress.

Dean ordered the pie and Sam asked for coffee.

"Coming right up," said the waitress with a smile that was almost menacing.

Cas had started a faction to lead against Metatron and get all the angels back in heaven. Sam and Dean had promised to help him in anyway possible.

"It doesn't seem like him to send false information though, he is always right on target."

Sam continued, as the waitress set down the plates.

"He wasn't wrong," the waitress said slipping an angel blade out from her apron.

The bikers at the counter got up to reveal two silver blades in their hands as well. Dean began to pull out his pistol, but the bikers were much quicker, and grabbed the pair before Dean's hand was anywhere close to the gun. They pinned the Winchester brothers against the white brick wall with the long silver blades resting on their throats. Sam and Dean were too stunned and tired to try and escape. All seemed lost when they heard a soft but confident voice say.

"I wouldn't be doing that around me if I were were you," the young girl said, still eating the pie set out in front of her. Seemingly unmoved by the situation.

"Scram kid," the first biker said.

The girl looked at her fork and replied, "No."

The waitress started to get angry, she stomped over to the girl, grabbed her by the collar of a cobalt blue varsity jacket she was wearing and asked demandingly, "Who are you?"

The girl just smiled revealing teeth strung in braces, "Well for starters I'm a bit of a hot head," the girl paused, "literally."

The girl burst into flames, her eyes glowing an eerie white color. The waitress stumbled back yelling, her hands red and black with scorch marks. The girl grabbed the angel blade that the waitress had dropped. She ran at the angel and stabbed her in the abdomen. The boys shut their eyes as a bright light filled the room. The other two angels dropped the Winchesters causing the pair to be disoriented. The biker angels both lunged at the girl, blades swinging. She dodged the attacks, when the two swung again she turned the blades back on the angels, causing them to stab themselves. Another bright white light filled the small diner as the angels fell to the ground, dead.

The boys got up slowly, Dean reached for the pistol tucked his waistband on instinct. The girl was standing over the bodies, arms crossed and smirking with a satisfied smile. Sam began to study her for any sign that she might be an angel or monster. All he saw was a girl with blonde hair that had been dyed an electric blue at the tips. She had a small amount of freckles dotting her pale face like stars, and her eyes seemed to dance like green flames.

"H-How did you do that?" Dean stammered after the long silence.

The girl looked up as if she had just noticed the two standing there. She calmly walked over to the booth she had previously been sitting at. The girl pulled out a blow torch from the seat.

"People shouldn't underestimate me," she said with her finger poised over the trigger, threateningly.

Dean and Sam turned toward each other, the two had the exact same thought.

"Who the hell are you?"

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