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Ariel sat alone in her room in the bunker. Her mind was racing, so she felt it was best she was alone for the moment.

"What do I do now?" She wondered out loud. "That was a stupid decision" she groaned. "No. They deserved to know," she snapped at herself.

The door began to open and Ariel snapped out of her self-argument. It was crazy, and at this point she really didn't need people thinking she was insane.

Dean poked his head in, "Who are you talking to?"

"A ghost," Ariel said sarcastically, "better grab the salt."

Dean smiled at that comment. The Winchester had calmed down from his mark induced tantrum, and was starting to warm up to the little girl. He walked over to Ariel and sat on the bed beside her. They sat for a couple minutes in complete silence. The older Winchester gazed over at the little angel beside him. She was so small but so strong and powerful at the same time. The angel was avoiding eye contact as she was unsure of how the Winchester would take to her lies.

"I see why you did it." Dean said sympathetically.

"Did wha- Oh..."

A couple more minutes of awkward silence ensued. Sam stepped in the doorway and chuckled.

"Pretty chatty aren't you."

Dean glared at his brother while Ariel rolled her eyes. Sam walked over and sat on the floor in front of the bed.

"So what is our next move?" Sam asked.

Ariel took a deep breath, "We need to rescue Cas."

The Winchesters nodded in agreement. Although neither of the two had any idea how to do it. The archangel got up abruptly and walked to the foyer, she moved the shelf and disappeared into the concealed tunnel. The two Winchesters followed in confusion. The entered the library and found Ariel sitting on one of the couches with a book in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked.

"I think I might have a plan, but I need to know what the stone can do."

"Oh okay, care to explain this said plan?" Dean replied.

Ariel shut the book and beckoned the Winchesters to come sit down. They sat in the red chair diagonal from the archangel. She took a deep breath and started to explain the plan. After a few minutes Dean had his brow furrowed angrily. When Ariel finished he jumped up from the chair.

"You can't do that, it's suicide!"

"Dean is right, you'll be killed." Sam agreed.

"Then it will be an honorable death." Ariel argued.

Dean became more angry, "This isn't about honor Ariel, this is about winning a war."

"Well you can't win a war without a soldier!"

This quieted the oldest Winchester, Ariel continued, "I was raised to be a soldier Dean. And now, I can be used for good.And I will restore the angel's wings at all costs."

Ariel instinctively brushed her arms. If she couldn't get her wings back, then she might as well help everyone else get theirs back.

Sam spoke, "Ariel you aren't a soldier anymore." He took a deep breath, "Look, let us figure something out, you just stay out of it."

Ariel growled and stomped out of the library. She walked out of the tunnel and out of the bunker.


Metatron stared at nothing. He was deep in thought when an angel rushed into his office. He straightened up. His eyes bulged when he realized who was standing before him. The archangel Ariel was holding a crossbow aimed at his head.

"Metatron, I've come to make a bargain."

Metatron was very intrigued, he leaned forward to hear.

"Okay, you've got my attention."

"I want to join your side."


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. (nervous cough)

So, I guess I should tell you guys that when I started writing this story I had a completely different idea, but I kind of just went with it. Thanks for sticking with me. And I should tell you guys that they have started production for YOUNG JUSTICE SEASON 3! So, there will be a fan-fiction coming your way soon.

Stay Beautiful.


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