I'm Sorry

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Sorry for not updating yesterday… I'm trying out this new thing were I write around 2-3 pages on word in order to keep the chapters longer :) I hope you guys enjoy! WAIT TILL THE END FOR THE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! 


I woke up at 6am, don't really know why but I'm guessing it was cause I slept really early last night, I decided to go for a run so I put on my bright pink nike sports bra and some spandex. I usually am never in the mood to workout cause I'm super lazy, but I don't know why I felt motivated today.

Since last summer, I always had my little 'spot' for when I felt lonely or depressed and I could just go there and think. It was around 3 miles there and back so I thought that would be the perfect trail to run in. As I was running past the skating bowl I saw a familiar figure skate. He fixed his snapback and looked up staring at me. I decided to stop running and walk over to him.

"So Wes, what makes you here?" I say

"Nothing, just needed to think" He replied, I didn't reply to him I just nodded my head. He coughed weirdly trying to break the awkward silence, "so how about I teach you how to skate?" Wes said grinning 

"Ohhh no, I don't think that’s a good idea" I said laughing. It reminded me of last summer, when he asked me to come to the skate park after our fight.

I walked for about 10 minutes until I reached the skate park where Wes and I officially started dating a little more than a year back. I could see him doing some small tricks here and there and skating around. Like I thought it would, the skate park was desert.

“You are getting pretty good.” I yelled from one side of the park. He turned his head quickly and started rolling towards me. He gracefully jumped of the board and met me halfway, pulling me into a warm bear hug.

“I was hoping you would come!” He said while he swing us from side to side.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I never know with you!” He said and he gave me a playful wink.

“So are you going to try to skate this time?” He asked again, shoving me slightly with his hip, as we started walking.

“It’s been a year and I never did, so probably not.” I laughed and shoved him the same way.

“So many things changed in a year, this apparently stayed the same.” He joked and stayed silent after that.

“So why did you asked me to come here?” I asked, shoving my hands in the front pockets of my hoodie.

“I wanted to see you…out of the house.” He simply replied.


“Because I like spending time with you.” He smiled and poked my cheek with his index finger.

"So, why are YOU out?" Wes asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Um couldn't sleep decided I would go for a run ya know?" "Yeah, so where you headed to?" Wes said grabbing his board up, looks like he wanted to go for a run as well. 

"Just headed to the place where I clear my head whenever I feel lonely or upset, you know the place where Drew took us a long time ago?" I replied turning around.

"Can I join you?" Wes said with hope in his eyes. I just nodded and smiled then ran. It took us around an hour to get up because of Wes's lack of stamina. If it were just to be myself, I could get up there in 40 minutes. Yeah, I guess I run fast but its only because I play soccer and my coach has us doing a lot of running.

I inhaled the fresh air and sit down leaning against the big weeping willow. It was beautiful up here, you could see the LA and the sunrise was so pretty, next to me was joined by Wes who was as amazed as I was, I haven't been up here in a while since I went to college.

 "I'm sorry," he blurted out. "About what?" I said rather too quickly. "About everything, cheating on you to loosing your trust. To be honest, I don't know what got into me. I mean, I still love you." He said the last part quietly but I still heard it.

"It's whatever don't even worry about it," I said quickly changing the subject. "We should get back now. 

I looked in his eyes and something told me that he was still sorry for what he did. I stood up and grabbed his hand, c'mon lets head back.

Once we got back to the house, I walked into my room and saw Colin still sound asleep. I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. "Good morning babe" I said turning around heading into the shower. When I got out I quickly put on some American flagged high wasted shorts and a tight white crop top. I threw on some red chuck Norris's and as for makeup; I put some light foundation, concealer, eyeliner and mascara. I looked at the mirror once again and decided that I would let my hair out natural today.

When I got into the kitchen, I saw Wes sitting across from Colin talking. Well at least they were sort of getting along…

 I grabbed a seat next to Colin and gave him a kiss, it wasn't a long one but a short one either, we heard someone cough which I guess was Wes, but right when I looked up, he was gone.

"So babe, what do you wanna do today?" I asked Colin moving myself to his lap, I laid my head on his chest.

"How about we head to the beach babe" He replied. Hm.. that actually wasn’t a bad idea. I smiled to him and ran upstairs getting my swimsuit. To be honest, I hated how I looked, I had a curvy body but my boobs were huge and people would always call me a slut and all…

I grabbed my sailor themed bikini and went downstairs. While I waited for Colin to change, I went on my phone and scrolled through my instagram. 

Once Colin was done changing we headed to the beach and found a perfect area.

"Hey Colin, I'm just going to go by the boardwalk and buy some water okay?" I said starting to walk away from him.

It took me 10 minutes to come back cause there was a really long line, but as soon as I came back I saw a fake Barbie blonde making out with Colin. Tears started forming in my eyes, how could he do this to me?  

"Colin?" He looked up and quickly pushed the girl off. 

YAY OKAY I hope you guys liked this chapter.


So I'm having a contest, and I hope it really works out. I need a new cover for the book, so in order to enter in the contest you'll just have to inbox me for more information. There will be prizes for the winners, but if it doesnt happen than I might try it later on in the story. 


Get 5 chapters dedicated to them + will be a new character inside the book (I don't know what role they will play yet)+ A shoutout for their story AND I'll vote 5 of their chapters and comment on 2 (if they have one


Get 3 chapters dedicated to them + A shoutout for their story AND I'll vote 4 chapters(If they have one)


Get 1 chapter dedicated to them + A shoutout to their story (if they have one) 


summer in huntington // wesley strombergWhere stories live. Discover now