Didn't mean for this to happen

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Lily's POV: (Next Morning)

The sun shined through the windows. I couldn't sleep last night too much was on my mind. I wondered what Tracie and Wes did last night.

I couldn't lie and say I wasn't upset. I sat up in the bed and saw Keaton looking at me oddly, "What are you doing in here?" he asked

I sighed, not knowing where to even begin. I couldn't bash his brother. That would be extremely rude," Uh just Wes." I said.

"Lily, You know you can talk to me. For god sake's you are like one of my best friends. You can trust me. I don't care how mean you want to be about my brother. It is fine and will stay between us. Okay?" he said.

"Yeah Thanks Keats." I said back.

I needed my clothes but I didn't want to face Wesley. I really didn't want to face Tracie.

"Drew!..." I whined.

"Lily!..." he mocked me.

I frowned obviously not thinking he would mock me, "Can you please go get my suitcase from Wesley's room? I don't want to talk to him yet." I asked.

Drew sighed before nodding. Before I knew it he had gotten up and went to their room to get it.

Drew's POV:

I went to my sisters and Wesley's room. I totally understood where she was coming from not liking him being with Tracie.

I hated seeing my sister upset. Especially since we have gotten closer again.

I used the key that was hers to get in. Once in I noticed them in bed cuddling. She was all over him. I was disgusted and I threw a pillow at his head, waking him up.

I grabbed her suitcase and left with it before he could even say anything.

Lily's POV:

It was stressful waiting for my suitcase. I had no clue what Drew had walked into.

Drew suddenly walked in with my suitcase. I smiled,"Hey. What happened? Is everything okay over there?" I asked.

Drew just nodded. That's when I realized he had left two things over there. My mini suitcase which has my hair and make up stuff in it. He also left my purse.

I sighed and got up and went to the room. When I got there i slide my key into the key scanner and walked in. They of course had the suite...

I all of a sudden heard some weird noises coming from the bedroom then I heard Tracie yell out my boyfriends name.

I stormed in to find her and my boyfriend having sex together.

My jaw dropped. I was in total shock. How could this happen to me!?!? I felt the tears roll down my face.

I turned around grabbed my mini suitcase and my purse then I took out running.

I heard someone yelling, a voice that i could recognize anywhere,


" Babe, Stop... Its not what you think. Come on. I don't want to lose you." he said.

I rolled my eyes looking at what he had on. He must have thrown on sweatpants very quickly. "Wes I told you how I felt about her last time. You knew I was upset last night about her staying. Were you not going to tell me about you two sleeping together too? Just keep it a secret then maybe deny it if i found out? Clever." I said clearly annoyed.

"Lilly. I didn't mean for this all to happen. Please I don't want to lose the girl I love the most." Wesley said.

"Well, good thing you still have Tracie." I said while faking a smile and walking into Drew and Keaton's room.

I shut the door and went to the bathroom. I shut the door and slid down to the bottom, crying. Wesley was supposed to be mine. I love him more than anything and now i just don't know what to do. I couldn't keep doing this all the time.

Maybe it was time to finally let go of the one I loved and cared for for so long.

I heard the door open to the room. I tried to be quite so no one knew i was in there until I heard my brother's voice.

"I wonder if Lily went anywhere." Drew said.

"I feel like she would have left a note." Keaton responded right back.

Drew sighed,"Maybe she went to Wesley's room."

I stood up and looked in the mirror at my makeup which was all messed up. I tried to fix it but it was a lost cause. I then opened the door and stepped out into the room. Once again I faked a smile.

Faking a smile is something I should have learned by now to not do around Drew. He could read someone sooo well.

Drew jumped up," Hey Lil, Whats wrong?'

I shook my head, "Drew I think its really over this time. I caught them in bed..."

Keaton and Drew's face changed. They both came over and hugged me. Drew stayed to comfort me while Keaton went to go try to talk to Wes.

I couldn't stop crying. It all felt like a dream.

About 20 minutes later Keaton came back in. When he walked in he smiled a bit at me and said," Hey, how are you doing? Do you need anything?"

I just shook my head.

Keaton took a deep breathe," He said he hadn't been feeling good and Tracie gave him a pill or something. It also doesn't help that they both got extremely drunk last night. He loves you though Lily. Plus Tracie left. He said that she said that she felt awful. She never meant for this to happen but come on... we all know Tracie. You do what ever you need to do. He wants to give you time and space he just doesn't want to give you up." he said.

I sighed, " He really hurt me this time..."

"Yeah I know. Maybe he will learn a lesson if he loses the one he loves the most for once. But, will you ever end back with him? You really were the best thing that's ever happened to him. You were the first girl that the family actually approved of and liked." Keaton said smiling.

I shrugged because well who knows what the future holds any more. 



hey guys! this is the end :( we left it unresolved, because we wanted you guys to make up your own ending, I hope you guys enjoyed this ending and thanks for reading it really means a lot to Emily and I (Claire) 

We're really excited to tell you that we found a new co-owner and she has amazing e3 fanfics on her personal wattpad right now so go check it out, its ' icantrainforever' we have so many ideas right now for the next fanfic so stay put! We'll be getting the new story up as soon as we can. 

Also sorry for this being so late. We are both in the middle of finals currently!


Also if you want comment some of your own endings. We would love to read them! (:

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