Second Thoughts

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*Lily POV*

Something was going on. I didn't know whether or not to be scared or happy. I looked back at my brother and Keaton. It HAD to be something good considering they were both jumping up and down with joy.

"Well you see we are going on tour.." Wes said.

I was in shock but still extremely excited. "Oh my god! Congrats!!!" I said while hugging them all. I really didn't understand while Wes was not excited at all.

*Wes POV*

She took it surprisingly well. I just hope Simon lets her go on tour with her. If she doesn't get to so many rumors will end up flying around and plus she will end up here alone. I don't want to spend time away from her if I don't have too.

(Later that night)

Keaton and Drew were downstairs working on writing some new music. I was getting somewhat excited the more I thought about us going on tour. This would be great getting to meet and see more fans.

"WESSSS!" Drew yelled from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs,"Yeah?"

"You know Lily is only going to be here for the summer then she goes back right? Like what are you going to do about the tour. You can't be thinking about her nonstop because if so I'm sure you will mess up a few songs." Drew said.

I sighed thinking," I mean Drew its only July. We still have a while to figure this all out..."

"But the tour starts here soon." He added.

This was all getting to be too much. Maybe we shouldn't have agreed to do this tour. Maybe we should have waited until after Lily went back to college.

"Don't get second thoughts Wes... Lily would KILL you if you decided to cancel the tour just for her." Drew said looking at me.

I nodded and decided to let them to continue to write stuff and went upstairs. I looked around for Lily but she was no where to be found so I went upstairs to see if she was in her room. I knocked on her door.

"Come in." Lily said softly.

I walked in and looked at her. Just looking at her made me smile. "Hey" I said softly.

"Hey! Are you excited for that tour of yours?" She said while sitting up.

I nodded a little. "I guess. I mean I'm excited to perform in new places and meet more fans but still..."

*Lilys POV*

Something was REALLY bothering Wes. I sometimes thought I knew Wes better than he knew himself.

"Why weren't you excited when you first got home?" I asked softly while sitting next to him on my bed.

Wes took a big deep breathe. "Lily I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up. You know the media is going to be attracted to us so they may think they see something and it could blow out of proportion and you could hate me again. Plus the tour is this summer and you are here until the end so what if you don't get to go? I want to spend as much time as I can with you Lily..."

I looked at him. This was definitely not what I expected. " Wesley, Don't worry about me. I will try to come to as many as I can. Who says I can't sneak onto the bus. It will work out. You will get to see me again before I go home. I promise you that.  But are you REALLY that worried about the Media Wes? Don't be. If I'm there and see if first hand I won't care obviously..."

Wes some what smiled at me but then looked down again. "What if you can't go? What happens if something happens and you have to go back to college or even back here?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it Wes. It may be something we might have to work on but its okay. Please be excited about this tour. Don't be down or upset about your tour because of me. I WILL find a way to come to every show. Okay? "  I asked.

Wes nodded. " I really appreciate you being here Lily."

I just smiled," You better get packing and figure out outfits and what you need for the shows."

Wes came over and picked me up and carried me to his room to help him. I was really going to enjoy going different places and listening to them almost every night. Who knows maybe I'll meet some really great fans of theirs.

I hope you guys enjoyed! (: I have several ideas with this! Stay Tuned!!!


summer in huntington // wesley strombergWhere stories live. Discover now