The Past

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Lily’s POV:

Today was the last show the boys had, and it was in Sequim Washington. Yep, you heard right.. our hometown. I was standing backstage in the middle of the boys’s show looking in the crowd when I saw the face I wished I hadn’t seen. 


I glared at her as the flashback hit me

- flashback - 

“I felt terrible keeping this a secret so here I go… When Wes came up here a couple of weeks ago-” I cut her short since I knew what she was about to say, and frankly I didn’t want to hear it from her.

“I know. Wes already told me.” I said and sat on my bed, her face dropped.

“He told you?” She replied shocked. I just nodded; I thought the conversation was over by now.

“He told you that we slept together?!” Now, MY face dropped. Slept? He said kiss. I was just shocked; I had no idea what to say.

“Excuse me?” I mean she could be lying to get some sort of attention.

 “What did he tell you?” She asked shyly again.

“That you guys kissed.” I sighed.

“We did more than that. You know, Wes is my first and I’m his first so..” Is she trying to find an excuse for this? I can’t take this.

“That doesn’t mean anything! You knew we were dating?! Why would you do something like this?” I kind of yelled. I didn’t want to alarm people.

“It just happened ok? I already feel bad.” She tried to apologize.

“I know we never really got along, but I never thought you would do something like this. Hell, I didn’t know Wes had the balls to do this.” I was getting angry at her, at Wes, at everybody.

“I’m so sorry Lily. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She said, just above a whisper.

- end of flashback - 

I looked back on stage and saw that Wes turned looking at me, first confused then he followed my gaze. I watched as his jaws clenched, but quickly looked away so fans wouldn’t suspect anything. I went back to one of the dressing rooms and stayed there for the rest of the show. 

Around 30 minutes later I heard noises out the door, one too familiar. I watched as the door swung open and there stood Tracie. 

“Hey Lily, its good to see you again” Her smile almost looked genuine, but it was obvious she wasn’t. 

I threw a quick look at Wes who was grinning, “Wes, can I talk to you alone for a sec?” I said throwing a smile back. 

“Yeah sure!” He said as he walked out the door. I followed his footsteps and closed the door behind me. 

“What is she doing here?” I was furious with him. Who let her in? Was it Drew? Keaton? I doubt it. They all knew the she was the reason why Wes and I broke up in the first place and wouldn’t do something like that do me.

I continued, “you invited her backstage didn’t you? Do you even remember what she did to our relationship last year?” I yelled. 

- flashback - 

“What the hell? What did you say to her Tracie?” Wes yelled at his ex. I was taking some of my clothes out of my closet; I’m definitely not sharing a room with a cheater and a liar.

summer in huntington // wesley strombergWhere stories live. Discover now