meetings and greetings

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* ring ring *

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Hello" I said "hey (Y/N) i was wondering if you would like to come to LA and stay for a while at mark's house",  your eyes almost popped out of your head once he said that. "YES" you yelled into the phone " ok calm down i already go you your ticket you leave on Sunday" Tyler said into the phone. you got up and looked at your calendar and saw it was Saturday. you screamed into the phone "WHAT THAT'S ONE DAY FROM NOW" "I know  just calm down. Start packing right now and you'll be ready by tomorrow ok " " ok " " your plane leaves at 6:00 AM and lands at 5:00 PM the next day" " ok I'm going to go start packing love you" "love you too" "bye" "bye". And with that you hung up and started packing.

*Time skip to when you land*

My plane had just landed. I grabbed my bag and started looking around for Tyler. It took me a while but i finally found him, but he was with Mark and a boy with blue hair. To be fair the boy with the blue hair was cute... WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING I HAVEN'T EVEN MET HIM YET. Just then Tyler spotted me " (Y/N) " Tyler said looking at me. " Tyler " I yelled as I ran over to him and tackled him in a hug. " whoa calm down (Y/n)" " sorry I missed you " I said blushing

Ethan's P.O.V

"guys i'm going to pick up (Y/N) wanna come"? Tyler asked "sure" Mark and I said in unison.

*time skip to the airport* 

Tyler told us what she looks like and to look for her. It took us a few minutes until Tyler found her. She looked so beautiful... WAIT SNAP OUT OF IT I thought YOU HAVEN'T EVEN MET HER YET. after her and Tyler got up from the floor Tyler introduced us " (Y/N) this is Ethan Ethan this is (Y/N)" we shook hands, she started to blush and I said "you look pretty when you blush" (Y/N) blushed even harder. Tyler looked at me and gave me a death glare. "well we should get going" Mark said. when we got to the car Tyler put in (Y/N)'s suitcase and closed the trunk.Tyler got in the drivers seat  Mark got shotgun and (Y/N) and I were in the back.

*time skip to house because i'm lazy*

We got to Mark's house. Tyler took out (Y/N)'s bag and gave it to her. Mark unlocked the front door and opened it. once Tyler was done showing (Y/N) around we all got into pj's

(Y/N) P.O.V

When Tyler was done showing me around. I got into this   "we should watch a movie" Mark said " oh can we watch the conjuring " I said "sure" Tyler said and plopped in the movie. Tyler went over and sat down by Mark but I sat by Ethan. At the begging of the movie I got scared and jumped. Ethan put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. through out the rest of the movie Tyler was giving Ethan death glares. soon the end of the movie came and I got up yawned and said "where am I going to sleep" Mark looked over at Tyler then Ethan. " what " I said. "well you see" Mark started out "we don't have enough beds so you're going to have to sleep with one of us" mark said. I looked over at Ethan and said " would you mind if i sleep with you" " N-no not at all" Ethan replied. Everyone got up and went to there room's besides me and Tyler. It was quiet for a moment until Tyler said "if he touches you at all tell me cause I'll beat the shit out of him" I nodded and Tyler went up to his bedroom. Ethan looked down over the railing and said in a playful voice " you coming or what" I looked up and playfully said back "of course". I ran up the stairs and Ethan wasn't there "Ethan" I said worried no reply " ETHAN" I yelled getting scared. I felt someone's arms wrap around me and pull me close to them. I turned around and saw it was Ethan "Ethan you scared the shit out of me don't you ever do that to me again" "I won't" Ethan replied back "good" I say. Ethan started to lean in closed I did too just as we were about to kiss mark opened his door and said "get to bed lovebirds" me and Ethan looked over and blushed letting go. We went to the bedroom and got into the bed and feel asleep like this.

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