Life happened

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I know what you're going to say: I'm not good at updating, in fact: I'm terrible at it. There's nothing I can say to make that fact go away. I'm terrible at doing that, but going to try to explain this to y'all:
Life happened. I changed quite a lot in quite a short amount of time. Haven't watched Teen Wolf in ages, and the reason is that I've had panic attacks for almost 6 years now. They all vary in strength. Lately, I've gotten to know amazing people in real life who inspires me to be the best person I can be. With that, my anxiety became worse. This week alone, I've had three worse panic attacks and some smaller, on the verge of having an attack... I haven't been eating well and have been procrastinating drinking water. I'm talking to a psychiatrist about this, but I wanted to let you guys know that writing fan fiction, imagines and such isn't something I'm focusing on at the moment.
You'll probably hear from me when I'm feeling up to it.
Have a great day!


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