What he does to cheer you up when you're sad

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Scott: When you're feeling down, you cuddle all day in the sofa watching Disney-movies. Scott keep whispering all the reasons to why he loves you in your ear.
Stiles: If you ever feel sad, Stiles makes stupid sarcastic comments to cheer you up, if that doesn't work, he'll make you watch Star Wars, which will always make you smile because you think Stiles is adorable when he get so excited about the movie.
Liam: He hugs you tightly if you're sad and tells you that everything will be fine because he loves you and that's all that matters.
Isaac: He makes you sit in his lap while he reads from your favourite book because he knows you love it and, even if he thinks it's embarrassing, he loves it too.
Derek: He acts like a total sweetheart when you're sad. He brings you ice cream, let's you sit in his lap and listens to you while you talk. When you have finished talking, he tries his very best to give you advice.
Jackson: He brings you shopping even though he hates it, but he does it so you'll think about something else to think about.
Aiden: He doesn't know what to do, so he'll call his twinbrother for advice. You know that he does that because he loves you, and you don't really mind if Ethan is the mind behind it all. Aiden brings you on a cute and romantic picnic.
I enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it too! And I'm sorry about Aiden's, I didn't have any idea what to write...

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