Liam imagine

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"Y/N wait! I didn't mean it!" Liam lightly grabs your arm but doesn't let go when you try to walk away from him.
"Let. Me. Go. Now."
"No, please let me explain. I didn't realise what I was doing." He looks regretfully at me, but you're not ready to forgive him yet.
"You do realise that you punched me, right?"
"You do realise that I love you and I've never regretted anything this much before?" You nod.
You peck him on his pink lips.
"So I'm forgiven?" Liam asks you smiling.
"No." You grin and run off as fast as you can. You can hear Liam laugh a little before sprinting after you. He catches up with you after some seconds and pushes you gently close to him. He tickles you.
"What did you say?" He asks you with a big smile on his lips.
"So you want me to tickle you more? I'm fine with that."
"YES... I... FORGIVE YOU!" You scream of laughter. He stops tickling you and bites his lip before kissing you. The kiss is soft but filled with genuine love and passion.
"I love you Liam," you whisper against his lips.
"I love you too Y/N."
I'm actually pretty happy with this even if I wrote it on like five minutes. I think it's sweet and cute.

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