"I'm good. How is Tokyo?Oh...the...surprise...oh...yes...I loved it...yes...thank you...but you know you shouldn't have...I miss you too...I can't wait to see you...I love you too...okay...take care.", I said taking a deep breath, happy that he was too busy to talk for the moment.

I felt so ashamed for lying to him the way I did. He asked me about a surprise he has sent me. And I didn't know what to answer. Jesus I was a mess.

I woke Alex up and told him I was going home. I've sent all the papers necessary for my visa approval, and everything was going to sort out the next week. At least I did one thing right in all the mess I've made so far.

I hopped in a taxi that Alex ordered for me and spent the next three hours in complete silence. My mum was at home, I could see the lights turned on in the little living room as I took my bag out of the car on arrival.

I pressed the intercom buttons and then went inside. Needless to say that my mother started crying the very second she laid eyes on me.

"My baby girl!", she said hugging me tightly.

"Mum, I love you so, so much!", I said hugging her back.

"Jesus you're so pale. And so skinny! Are you eating? Is everything okay? Tell me everything! Is everything okay? Someone left me a bouquet of roses for you at the door and a little package. They are so beautiful! Are you seeing someone? Who is it? Why are you so pale? Are you sick?", she asked repeatedly, not knowing what was going on.

"Mum let's have a coffee. We can talk all about everything."

"Okay, okay...I just can't believe you're home!"

I went to the living room where all the roses were set in different vases. Jared really did wanted to surprise me. As I sat down I took the small box in my hands and unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful necklace with a triad and also a note. He knew I loved his band a lot...I've told him that in one of our long conversations.

"Don't forget about me when you're at home...I hope you make the most of it...J"

"So who is this from? Tell me...how was Tokyo?"

"Well, it was interesting to say the least.", I replied lighting up a cigarette.

"Ah you still haven't quit those things! Anka!"

"You know I told you I won't quit them anytime soon. So, Tokyo...well...where to begin...it's interesting...I was sitting one day at a coffee shop, and there he was. He came to me and took a seat at the table and there it was."

"A total stranger?"

"No, nothing like that. You know I told you how much I look up to Jared Leto?"

"Yes...don't tell me it was him!?"

"Yes, in the flesh! Jared!"

"But...he is very old...he is nearly the same age as me...", she said with a weird grin.

"He doesn't look like it, you know that too."

"Yes, but what do the two of you have in common? I mean you had no relationship in the last five years...is he a nice person? What if it's a flirt? You know like all these other celebrities..."

"Mum, it's nothing like that. I spent the last five months in Tokyo day in and day out with him. He is such a warm and caring person. He is nothing like anyone I've ever met before. And he will come here next week. He promised."

"Really? Here? Anka...you know we aren't rich and famous and he will probably run scared."

"Mum, he is nothing like that. He is a very simple man. He will like you. And he is not fussy. Believe me."

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