Chapter 13: I SWEAR TO GOD.

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Authors P.O.V
Sans stared at you, questioning your mentality. Glittered. Spaghetti. It wasn't burnt into a ramen cube like it usually was, But.
Your look of plead convinced sans enough, and Papyrus stared at you two. He was trying to figure out what was going on between you too. You heard a snapping noise behind you three, and you saw Shayna, standing there smirking with her phone.
"" You stared, sans and papyrus extremely confused. Out of pure desperation, you take he plate, and realize it was still burnt, even if you hand helped, and the spaghetti sauce make the burnt noodles stick to the plate, making a great weapon.
"Y/N. I will murder you if you break my phone." She hissed, and you threw the plate, it smashing against the wall, and You flew at her. You knocked her down, grabbing the phone, and throwing it to sans, he scrabbling to catch it.
"Get the pictures off of her phone now." I said, but was thrown off by her, and she was trying to get to the phone. Once she did, sans gave her the phone, and since you didn't specify which pictures, All of them were deleted.
"NOOO. YOOSUNG. MY BIAS' HOW COULD YOUUU!?" She cried, and I felt acomplished.
"Shes BeING RUDE." I said, throwing my little baby fit.
"Okayy thennnn. " Sans walked out slowly, and disapeared.
"...I'M...GOING TO AWKWARDLY LEAVE ASWELL." Papyrus followed insuit.
"You totally like him though." Shayna was next to you again, kinda pissed but not all that angry.
"Uh huh." I mumbled.
"You do! The way you joke with him is cute, and that little comment you made."
"I said that because his eyes were hearts and it CoNFusEd Me!" Her never-ending suspicous smile got wider.
"He totally Likes You Too!"
"Shut up match maker."
"Nope. And i'm going to make you pay for letting him get rid of my asians."

Loved By Me (Sans X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt