Chapter 17

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"....she's pregnant, but she is underweight and very weak, her body is trying to reject the baby and is making her more weak, I can't discuss this further without her parents or guardian present." The nurse explained slowly so we didn't miss anything.

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach full force, and suddenly felt like puking.

Gracie didn't deserve any of this! She didn't deserve to be scared shitless by Jesse, then be raped by god knows how many scumbag guys only to find out they got her pregnant! And to top it all off, be at war with herself about how her body looks.

I looked over at Jesse who stood still, his face white as chalk. I brushed past him and headed towards the exit, I had to get away, I needed time to think.

**Gracie's POV**

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, letting them adjust to their surroundings and groaned out loud.

Of course I was in the hospital...again. I looked around and sighed, trying to remember what happened, before it clicked.
I was on a date with Jesse, then I passed out, that's all I could remember.

A nurse walked into the room and smiled at me, a look of pity in her eyes. I forced a fake smile back a little uneasy, knowing she wasn't going to tell me I won a million dollars.

I listened in silence to everything the nurse was telling me, after she was done she left my room, no mumbled apology, nothing but pity clear in her eyes.

Once I was alone I broke, I curled up into a ball on the hospital bed and sobbed, I screamed, cursing and yelling into my pillow until I felt like I couldn't breathe.

It took awhile but I finally calmed down and fell asleep with a headache and silent tears falling down my cheeks, hoping and praying I wouldn't wake up.

**Next Morning**

I stared silently at the wall as the nurse talked to my mom, telling her everything she told me yesterday, I watched expressionless as my mom's face fell, then as tears began to fall.

"If she doesn't start eating and soon, she will lose the baby and then you will lose her" the nurse said sternly to my mom her voice low.

I turned over in bed and hid my face under the blankets. When did my life get so screwed up? Why can't I just be normal and eat?

Because your not normal your fat, and besides you brought this on yourself so don't even feel sorry for yourself!

I winced and curled up into a ball under the blankets, the voice was 100% right, I am fat and I did do this to myself, it's all my fault.

"Honey? Are you awake?" I heard my mom whisper sitting down next to me.

I slowly turned over and looked up at my mom, worry lined her face, her eyes were glassy and her mouth trembled.

Look at what you are doing to your sweet mother, you really are awful. Buuuuut if it wasn't for her being gone all the time you wouldn't be in this mess, so who's fault is it really..?

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