Chapter 15

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**Kyle's POV**
I say up slowly rubbing my tired eyes, I don't remember falling asleep but I must have because it's morning.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through twitter waiting for Gracie to wake up.

Somehow I ended up on her profile, I scrolled through some of her pictures, a smile on my face, she is to damn adorable.

I noticed how she had gotten a lot Skinner from her oldest picture to her most recent one.

I was about to turn my screen off and wake up Gracie, but some comments on the last picture she uploaded caught my eye.

Fat bitch kill yourself.

Stop posting pictures, I can't afford another cracked screen!

^^lmao dude! I agree though


Ugly fatty

Why haven't you killed yourself yet!? We want a victory party! );

She must think she's hot or something posting pictures, excuse me while I throw up hahaha

I felt anger boil up inside me, and got frustrated when I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I walked into the bathroom, did my business, and walked back to Gracie's room. She was sitting up in bed looking at her phone with an expression that broke my heart, I could tell she was holding back tears.

I slowly walked over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Ignore them Gracie, their just being mean, none of those comments are true okay? They just want a reaction out of you." I mumbled into her neck.

She pulled away not meeting my eyes and nodded before heading towards the bathroom.

I sighed in defeat before heading to the kitchen to fix something to eat for us.

**Gracie's POV**
I nodded at Kyle before I waked into the bathroom and locked the door. I rested my hands on the edge of the sink and glared at myself in the mirror.

I counted the things I hated about myself, dull eyes, thin flat hair, puffy cheeks, blotchy pale skin.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out my own thoughts. I opened my eyes slowly before reaching behind the cupboard and grabbing my metal friend.


I sat down on the edge of the tub and rolled my sleeve up, placing the cold metal on my wrist.

Your weak and pathetic

1 cut.


2 cuts

You can't do anything right and nobody really cares about you, they all feel sorry for you.

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