Chapter 9

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It's been 7 days since I was almost raped by Jesse, 3 days since I've ate anything, 2 minutes since I last felt like throwing up.

I shook my head slightly to try to stop thinking about what happened. I made Kyle promise not to tell anyone about what happened, not that anyone would care anyway.

My head hasn't stopped pounding for 2 days straight, from a mixture of not eating and stressing about what could have happened if Kyle hadn't of came over when he did.

I climbed off my couch sick of moping around and quickly took a shower, pausing to look in the mirror.

I couldn't decide if I'd lost weight or not so I grabbed the scale and stepped on.

138 your still fat but you getting there I thought to myself.

I groaned and grabbed my head. Maybe a little snack won't hurt I thought as I walled to the kitchen in search of something healthy with a low amount of calories.

I settled on an apple and a bottle of ice water, before I decided to head over to Kayla's to hang out.

On the walk there I debated on telling her about what happened with Jesse, hopefully Kyle didn't already tell her.

I walked in Kayla's house and seen Kyle and John playing video games on the couch, they both looked up when they heard the door, I mentally sighed when I saw Kyle give me a concerned look, and gave him a small smile before heading upstairs to find Kayla.

**Kyle's POV**
I looked up when I heard my front door open seeing Kayla standing there awkwardly.

I frowned a little when she gave me a smile, I hope she's okay, I need to talk to her soon though, I seen all her selfharm scars the other night, old and new, and I'm not going to just sit by and do nothing to help.

I must have drifted off into my own little world because when I tried to focus back on the game, I noticed the TV was off and John was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Dude I have to go, bonfire at my place tonight though.... Invite Gracie if you want" he winked and walked out the door.

I thought about having Gracie in my arms by the fire and smiled subconsciously. Still smiling I walked to Kayla's room and held my hand up to knock when I heard my name.

Frowning slightly I pressed my ear to the door eavesdropping even though I knew it was wrong.

**Gracie's POV**
.... and then Kyle came in and pulled him off and beat the shit out of him until I made him stop and then Jesse left" I sniffed wiping away a few stray tears that fell while telling Kayla what happened, leaving out the part about Kyle seeing my cuts, she didn't need to know about that yet.

I looked down at my hands folded in my lap, moments later I was pulled into a tight hug by Kayla and I let a few more tears fall.

I heard a knock on Kayla's bedroom door and pulled away wiping my eyes again while she answered it. Kyle looked at Kayla then back at me before asking if we wanted to go to a bonfire at Johns house later.

Kayla quickly agreed saying it will be lots of fun and will help me relax and take my mind off things. So I agreed as well.

**10:00pm that night**
I finished putting eyeliner on before grabbing a jacket and heading towards Kayla's car parked out front.

I quickly texted mom saying I'll be out late hanging with Kayla, I knew she wouldn't answer but I still let her know where I was from time to time.

I smiled and climbed in the passenger seat leaning back, I was about to close my eyes when I seen a familiar pair of green eyes and black hair walking down the sidewalk. We locked eyes and he winked before disappearing into a small store.

I brushed it off as my imagination and closed my eyes. I must have dozed off because I woke up to Kayla shaking my shoulders laughing telling me we're here.

I got more and more nervous as we got closer and closer to John's backyard. I didn't know who all would be here.

We made it out back and I calmed down when I saw only about 10-15 people I knew from school.

I saw Kyle glance over at me but he quickly looked away when I caught him looking. I frowned a little but ignored it.

I was getting bored of sitting around, watching everyone eat smores like they were going out of style, I was about to ask Kayla to drive me home when I was interrupted by a guy with blue hair suggesting we all play truth or dare.

I groaned knowing I would be forced to play. After awhile of arguing everyone eventually agreed to play.

I watched as some brown haired girl had to strip into her bra and underwear until the game was over, I laughed when a guy named James threw up after drinking a cup of mustard.

I was having fun until suddenly it was my turn, and the person choosing what I have to do was....... Miles. (Jesse's friend)

"Gracie, I dare you to go streaking" Miles smirked staring me down daring me to back out.

I stared at him in horror, seeing that he wasn't kidding I looked over at Kyle helplessly, if I stripped I'd humiliate myself and everyone would see my cuts.....

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