Chapter 4

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After my kiss with Jesse we all layed down on our backs in the sand looking up at the stars.

I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss! After all the teasing I realized I never chose a winner, obviously I'd pick Jesse, he did kiss better than Kyle, come to think of it where is Kyle......?

I slowly sat up and looked around us. "Where's Kyle?" I asked John because he was closest to me. John glanced around "sh*t" he mumbled quickly getting up.

I stood up with him only to be told to stay. Jesse patted the sand next to him motioning for me to sit by him, so I did.


How could I not have noticed Kyle leave!? I'm such a terrible friend, I knew he had feelings for Gracie yet I still agree to let her and Jesse kiss... and right in front of him too!

I groaned as I walked around the beach looking for shaggy blonde hair that I would recognize instantly.

I was about to give up when I saw a figure sitting on some rocks letting his feet dangle into the water. Kyle. I stood and watched him for a minute, he looked sad, just sitting there with his head hung low.

I sighed and walked over to him. "Mind if I sit?" I asked quietly. He looked up surprised before nodding. "I'm sorry." I whispered watching his facial expression. He clenched and unclenched his jaw.

"Nah it's okay man, I'll be over her in 2 weeks anyways" he laughed, but I could tell it was forced and fake.

"Let's go to your house yeah?" I asked ignoring his lie. "Yeah, okay" he replied before we both got up and started walking to his house, ditching the girls and Jesse.

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