Chapter 14

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**Gracie's POV**
I checked the time once more before heading downstairs. I need to find an excuse so mom will let me leave... At 11pm... by the dark.

I sighed in relief when I saw her sound asleep in bed. Now I just have to quietly get out the door.

I froze when the door squeaked and held my breath, but mom didn't hear. I wrapped my arms around myself shivering from the light breeze.

I finally reached the park entrance, a knot forming in my stomach when I saw Jesse sitting on a swing slowly swinging back and forth.

I shouldn't of came here, this was a bad bad idea! What was I thinking!? Meet the guy who tried to hurt me.. At the park in the middle of the night? Stupid stupid stupid.

I turned around ready to run home and get back to my house where I would be safe. But before I could take more than three steps..

"Gracie?... Gracie wait!" Jesse yelled out, fast walking towards me.

I didn't say anything --- I couldn't say anything, I slowly turned towards him, not meeting his eyes.

"Gracie... shit Gracie.. I-I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" he whispered, " I know an apology can't fix what I did to you, what I would have done to you... Fuck I don't even know what to say " he mumbled before sighing.

I tried to tell him that this was a mistake, and that I'm going home but he cut me off.

"Please just let me talk, I don't deserve it, but just hear me out please" he begged.

I sighed but stood still looking at him.

"I wasn't always an only child, I had a baby sister, growing up we were really close, she was my best friend, we helped each other through everything, then one day she started getting picked on... She got picked on a lot.

I stepped in and protected her, of course I did, nobody else would, but then the bullies got angrier, I got overprotective.

Then one day she told me to leave her alone, she told me she could handle herself, she promised me she would be okay" his voice cracked and I looked up surprised, he was frowning with his fists clenched.

"She got told to kill herself at least ten times a day, that the world would be a better place if she wasn't here, I never understood why they hated her so much.

Then she started wearing long sleeves, even in the middle of summer, she never wanted to talk to anyone and she was always in her room, I could always hear her crying late at night.

I knew something was wrong, I knew their insults and name calling were getting to her,

I tried to talk to her, but she slammed the door in my face...many times.

Then one day I went to get her for dinner, I opened the door and -and...." Jesse cleared his throat and met my eyes, he was crying, his eyes red and puffy.

"She killed herself." He said and I could see the pain in his eyes. "When I seen your scars, when I seen what you did to yourself, I panicked, I got scared, and I got angry." He paused and rubbed his eyes.

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