Chapter 6

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I shrugged it off and knocked on Kayla's door, after a minute I walked in and headed to the kitchen where I heard Kayla and Kyle arguing.

I walked in to find Kayla standing with her hands on her hips glaring at Kyle and Kyle glaring at her looking really pissed.

They both looked at me when I walked in and instantly Kayla's face softened.

"What's wrong Gracie? Are you okay?" She asked rushing over to give me a hug.

"Yeah just allergies" I lied, forcing it a small laugh. Kyle gave me a weird look before walking out of the room.

Kayla shrugged and finished making the muffins and putting them in the oven. She went in the bathroom and grabbed two white pills and handed them to me.

She must of seen the confused look on my face. "Allergy medicine" she laughed. It dawned on me she was referring to my excuse I used earlier about my puffy eyes from crying.

When she looked away I quickly slipped the pills in my pocket. We talked about music, and what band was the best until the oven beeped and Kayla got the muffins out.

"Will you go tell Kyle and the others these are done?" Kayla asked as she washed her hands.

I nodded and started walking up the stairs to Kyle's room. I was about to knock when I heard my name. I know I shouldn't, but curiosity got the best of me and I put my ear against the door.

"I'm going to ask Gracie out." I heard Jesse say. I quickly backed away, this couldn't be happening, Jesse is to good looking for me, he's probably just joking around.

Feeling my mood drop again, I knocked before poking my head in the door and telling them the muffins were done if they wanted some.

Jesse walked over and slung his arm around my shoulders walking close to me all the way to the kitchen. Before we went through the door to the kitchen he leaned down close to my ear.

"Can I take your hot self to a movie later?" He whispered making me blush. "y-yeah sure" I replied nervously cursing silently to myself for stuttering and no doubt sounding stupid.

I told Kayla I had to head home but grabbed a muffin to eat on the way to make her happy.

Once I was outside I threw it in the bushes and jogged home. I sighed in annoyance as my stomach growled for the 3rd time in a row.

I finished my hair and makeup and kissed my mom on the cheek and headed out front to wait for Jesse to pick me up so we could go to the movies.

I told my mom I would grab something to eat at the movies. My stomach growled again once we stepped in the movie theater.

Jesse laughed and pulled me to the snack line asking what I wanted. I tried to think of a lie to get out of eating anything but came up blank.

"Uhh a salad?" (Idk if they sell salad at the movies but just go along with it!) I replied nervously. Skinny people eat salads, so they can't be to fattening I thought to myself.

"Good choice" Jesse said and smiled at me after ordering himself 2 hotdogs a large popcorn and a drink. I looked away kind of hurt. Of course he didn't mean that to come off rude, he must have been joking.

I finished my salad about 10 minutes into the movie, and I swear the salad just made me even more hungry!

I tried to focus on the movie but I lost it when Jesse scooted closer to me and offered me some popcorn. I ate handful after handful, pretty soon it was gone, and I felt sick.

For the rest of the movie I kept my jaw clenched, and although I loved spending time with Jesse, I wished I could be home.

The movie finished and Jesse drove me home, I climbed out after thanking Jesse for the 'fun' night and started to the door.

I stopped when I heard my name being called, I turned around just in time to collide with Jesse's chest. He laughed and helped me gain my balance before he kissed me.

Before I knew it we were making out and I felt like I was on cloud nine. It didn't feel real, Jesse the incrediblely handsome and athletic boy that could have any girl he wanted, chose me, the fat ugly girl that practically has no friends.

"Be my girlfriend?" He whispered when we broke apart for air. I nodded and hugged him, smiling into his chest.

As I layed in bed that night I went over everything that happened today. I grinned like an idiot when I thought of myself as Jesse's girlfriend.


sorry this chapter kind of sucks, but it's important so please be patient!

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