Chapter 7

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I woke up and walked into the bathroom half asleep, did my business then stripped down and stepped on the scale.


It's a start! I thought to myself, today will be a good day as long as long as I hang out with my best friends and not eat to much!

I went back to my room, changed into a tank top and shorts, did 100 jumping jacks and headed outside to go for a jog.

1 1/2 hours later I was a couple blocks away from home when I heard a car slow down next to me.

I looked over to see the same blonde girl and red headed girl as the other day, only this time the redhead had her phone out and was recording me run!

"Run fatty run!" The blonde yelled laughing. "Wait stop I think the building are going to start falling over, earthquake!!" She yelled faking concern.

They drove away laughing and I felt like shit. I can't eat today I promised myself. I'll be skinny soon, just wait.

I finished my jog and took a cool shower, doing my hair and makeup after.

I decided to relax for a little while, so I grabbed my laptop and layed down on my bed.

**Kyle's POV**
I was at the park playing football with John, Jesse, and a couple other guys we went to school with.

We decided to take a break and just sat around talking and joking. I was talking to John about something when I heard everyone else laughing.

Everyone was crowded around a guy named Miles watching something on his phone.

I craned my neck to see the phone screen, regretting it when I seen what they were laughing at. It was a video of Gracie jogging, her face bright red from the heat and embarrassment.

The chick who posted it captioned it with "watch the fat ass run"

I looked at Jesse, my blood starting to boil in anger, he looked amused, but when he caught me glaring at him he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Okay guys that's enough" he said trying to hide a smirk. I looked over at John to see him glaring at them all in disgust.

I walked up to Jesse standing standing directly in front of him. "What the hell is your problem dude? Your laughing at your own girlfriend behind her back? Your not even going to stick up for her!?" I asked my voice getting louder as I got angrier.

"Jesse bro, your dating this fat ass?!!" Miles asked in shock.

Jesse glared at me before grinning, "Nah man its a joke" he laughed turning away from me.

Before I knew what I was doing I had Jesse pinned to the ground and I was punching him in the face as hard as I could.

John and another guy quickly pulled me off, and I sprinted away, I needed to cool off and think..

I walked around for awhile before i went home and went straight to my room and slammed the door.

**Gracie's POV**
I logged onto my twitter and saw I had a bunch of notifications, a bunch of people were tagging me in the same video.

I clicked on the video, curious as to what it was. As soon as I clicked on it I regretted it. It was the video of me jogging, and those girls yelling out insults.

I scrolled down reading some of the comments.


I see better looking things in the toilet XD

Everyone shut up, I don't want her to eat us!!! :o

Ew disgusting.


I slammed my laptop shut and quickly ran to the bathroom. I needed to distract myself.

I grabbed a razor and looked at it, I've heard of people who cut themselves, but I never understood why, I slid it down my arm wincing at the stinging pain that followed, I did it a couple more times.

I watched as the blood showed up a red line then slowly started running down my arm, I snapped back in reality when I heard my phone go off.

I quickly rinsed my arm off and threw on a long sleeved shirt and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Kyle....

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