Chapter 13

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I woke up with a start, hoping and praying that everything that had happened yesterday/ last night was just a horrible dream.

It didn't work as I looked at my torn shirt and my pants that were no longer on my legs, my underwear down to my ankles. I realized what had happened and felt sick to my stomach.

With shaky hands and a sob escaping my lips I quickly redressed myself and ran as fast as I could to Kayla's house, collapsing on her porch.

I knocked hard on the door before I felt my eyes closing again, and not having enough strength I blacked out again.

**Kyle's POV**
I was laying in bed trying to fall back asleep after hearing someone knock on the front door.

Half asleep I yelled at Kayla to get the door, so I didn't have to get up. I frowned when I heard her say Gracie's name in a panic.

I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs to find Kayla kneeling beside Gracie who was unconscious.

I whipped out my phone dialing the emergency number, telling Kayla to check for a pulse. I felt fear in my stomach I have never felt before.

After that time seemed to slow down as I stepped back and watched as four or five people rushed in, one person yelling out instructions.

Everything felt unreal, I could hear what the strangers were saying but I didn't understand what they meant. Then they took Gracie away.

I looked over at Kayla who was hugging herself and biting her lip, tears running down her face, as she watched her best friend being taken away by an ambulance.

I walked over, grabbing her arm and heading to my car, climbing into the drivers seat and heading to the hospital, praying Gracie would be okay, and wondering what happened to her.


I'm currently sitting in a hard white chair with Kayla sitting next to me, waiting for someone to come out and tell us what happened.

I began drumming my fingers on the armrest, getting a annoyed look from Kayla.

"Gracie Lockwood.." A nurse said her voice calm, looking around for someone to step forward.

I stood up nervously and walked over to her with Kayla. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Gracie seems to have an eating disorder, she passed out because something caused her heart rate to speed up and her body couldn't handle it, her body was starting to shut down" She said slowly before hesitating.

"She has a huge cut on her shin, we had to stitch it up, and self inflicted wounds on both arms" she looked back and forth between me and Kayla before she hesitated again.

I was starting to get irritated, there's something else, but she doesn't want to tell us.

"There's something else you obviously have to tell so spit it out!" I said, my voice louder than I intended it to be.

The nurse looked at me annoyed that I just yelled at her, "Ms. Lockwood was raped" she said bluntly.

I heard Kayla sniff beside me, but me I was fuming. Whoever the bastard was better not cross my path because he will find himself six feet under.

"You can sign her out after she wakes up and we check over everything, but she has to come in twice over the next few weeks for checkups" the nurse explained before walking away.

I clenched my jaw before calling Gracie's mom mentally preparing just exactly what I should say..

**Gracie's POV**
I blinked my eyes a few times and looked around the room wondering where I was.

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