Chapter 1

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I excitedly grabbed my bikini and towel and ran outside hopping in my best friends Kayla and Kyle's car, they are twins so their parents are making them share a car.

We were heading to the beach for the first time this year and were giddy with excitement!

"We have to pick up Jesse and John on the way" Kayla smirked at me as I slid into the passenger seat.

I tried to play it cool, but failed miserably, I felt my cheeks instantly heat up.

She knew I had a huge crush on Jesse and she teased me about it every chance she got.

"Ugh why do they have to come?" I tried my best to sound annoyed.
"Because I'm not gonna check out guy's butts and abs with you guys all day" Kyle replied from the backseat.

I giggled and reached to turn on the radio, ' Lush Life ' by Zara Larsson started playing and me and Kayla started dramatically singing the lyrics.

I grinned when I saw Kyle roll his eyes and cover his ears. We picked up Jesse and John and annoyed the sh*t out the guys the whole way.

Kayla picked a parking spot and we all climbed out and quickly changed. I complimented Kayla on her bikini as we were trying to find where the guys went.

Suddenly I was lifted off my feet and thrown into the ice cold water. I broke the surface to see Kyle bent over holding his stomach from laughing so hard.

I pretended to be mad and turned my back towards him, which made him slowly inch forward towards me.

Once I felt him touch my shoulder I whipped around and pushed him down into the water, laughing as he jumped up gasping and making a huge fuss.

After a couple hours of playing in the water and tanning, me and Kayla left to find food, pretty soon we found a hotdog stand and I ordered for us and the guys.

"5 hotdogs please" I politely told the guy working. He looked me up and down and smirked "you sure five will fill you up?"

I stared at him in shock feeling my face heat up when I heard laughing behind me. I looked next to me to see if Kayla heard, but she was gone.

I quickly grabbed the hotdogs and started walking back to the guys, I heard footsteps behind me and looked back to see Kayla jogging to catch up to me.

"Sorry, I had to pee, did you get the food? I'm starving!" She spoke so fast I would've laughed if I was in a better mood.

Instead I ignored her and simply handed her the food. "My mom called I have to head home" I lied.

She frowned and asked if I needed a ride, "Nah I'll walk, its a nice day" I faked a smile and turned on my heel, to start the long walk home.

Almost an hour later I stumbled through my front door. I was covered in sweat. I sighed and headed upstairs to shower.

I peeled my clothes off, but as I headed for the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I grimaced at how my arms jiggled and how my thighs touched, I noticed how I had a double chin and a fat bulging stomach.

Was I really that disgusting? How did I not notice? Why didn't my so called friends tell me?

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I stood there suddenly wishing I didn't exist.

I angrily wiped the tears away and climbed in the shower promising myself I would do something.......ANYTHING to get this disgusting fat off my body.

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