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"Look what you did!" Zac shouted at his mother, slamming his fists on the table as he stood up.

"I'm sorry, Zac, but-"

"No!" Zac shrieked, almost alarmed at how high his voice went. "No! You can't apologize for this! You just made the girl I love walk out that door with my child. You can't apologize and expect me to accept it because I won't!"

"Woah, okay, what is happening in here?" Taylor barged in through the front door, Natalie walking quietly behind him, a hand on her stomach. "I just saw Georgia run out of here, crying as she drove past me. What's going on?!"

"What's going on?! What's going on is that Georgia and I told mom and dad that Bailee was mine. And Mom told Georgia to get out and never come back!" Zac shouted angrily. Natalie reached out and put her arms around one of Zac's, pulling him away from the table.

"Mom... Why would you do something like that?" Taylor asked incredulously, never thinking for one second that his mother could be so cruel.

"I don't believe that child is Zachary's for one minute. She left him and ran off to California. She broke Zac's heart, Taylor. He wouldn't be so stupid as to ruin his career by having sex with some random girl at 15." Diana replied calmly, picking up her paper. But it only made things worse.

"Some random girl?" Zac shouted, breaking out of Natalie's grasp. "Are you serious? Georgia isn't some random girl. She's the girl I fell I love with, she's the mother of my child, she is my best friend. You have no right to say those things about her."

"Zac, she left you. And kept her child a secret." Diana defended herself pathetically.

"Actually, Mom, I left her to go on tour. She left when she found out she was pregnant. She left because she wanted to protect me and my career. Georgia didn't want the media or the people here to find out it was my baby, so she left. Don't you get it?"

"Doesn't matter. She isn't welcome here anymore." Diana dismissed the conversation, and Zac knew he'd lost.

"I can't fucking believe this." Zac shouted as he stormed out of the kitchen, purposely knocking over a glass vase full of flowers onto the ceramic floor. He grabbed his keys and left the house, making his way to Georgia's.


"Georgia?" Zac yelled as he swung the door open to her mom's house. It was quiet, and he wondered if she was even here. Her car was in the driveway.

"G, where are you?" He asked as he climbed the stairs. He almost bumped into her when he got to the top.

"Go home, Zac." Georgia said firmly, carrying an armful of clothes into her bedroom.

"No, I'm not going home." Zac replied, following her.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Georgia whispered, dropping her clothes into the giant pink suitcase that sat open on her bed. Once again, she was thankful for her mother taking Bailee out of the house.

"Because we need to fix this, Georgia." Zac told her, taking a sweater out of her hands as she tried to fold it.

"There's nothing to fix though," Georgia replied nonchalantly. "I came here with the intention of attending Taylor's wedding. And I did. So now, I'm going home."

"No you aren't." Zac told her stubbornly.

"Yes, I am. And quite frankly there isn't much you can do that will stop me."

"Why are you doing this?" Zac whispered, sitting next to her suitcase and begging her to look him in the eyes.

"Because coming here was a giant fucking mistake right from the start." Georgia muttered bitterly, still folding her clothes. "I never imagined my life would turn out this way."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Stop asking me questions and either help me pack or go home."

"I'm not gonna do any of that. We need to talk." Zac reached for Georgia's hands.

"About what?!" Georgia yelled, yanking her hands away and taking a step back. "About how I shouldn't have come at all? Or about how your parents hate my guts and think I'm some skank that sleeps around Hollywood? How about how my daughter keeps asking if she has a daddy, because all of her daycare friends have daddies and she doesn't? Wanna talk about how I don't know what to tell her when she asks? Oh, how about we talk about my suicide attempts? There's lots we could talk about, Zac, but I don't want to fucking talk about anything!" Georgia felt breathless; like her world was slowly caving in. She sat abruptly down in her bed, clutching her hair tightly in her hands as she screamed in frustration and pent up anger. She kicked her suitcase off the bed and it flew across the wooden floor.

Zac knew what was coming next. She was either gonna get sick, lightheaded or hyperventilate. This was another anxiety attack coming on.

"Georgia, you have to calm down before you make yourself sick." Zac whispered, sitting down next to her.

"Why do you care so much?" Georgia sniffed, finally overcoming her anxiety.

Zac gave her a sad smile, pushing her hair from her eyes. "Because you're Georgia, and I'm Zac. I've cared about you since the first time we met. And nothing you could ever do can change that."

"I don't deserve you," Georgia mumbled, picking at her hands as she moved to sit Indian style on her bed, the way Zac was sitting.

"I don't deserve you either." Zac offered a half smile as he reached out to take her hands in his. "I'd still want you though. A million times over, I'd still want you, Georgia."

Georgia felt a sudden wave of many different emotions. Love, anger, sadness, joy. She looked up at Zac through her eyelashes, biting her lip. And in one swift movement, she had her legs on either side of Zac as she kissed him with as much energy she could. Her sundress gathered up around her thighs, giving Zac the advantage of running his hands over her bare skin, pushing her dress even further up her legs to where it finally rested around her waist. Georgia stopped kissing Zac long enough for him to peel his shirt off of his torso, only for him to dive right back into kissing her. He lay back flat against her bed, holding her in place in top of him as they continued to kiss quickly. Eventually, her sundress and his jeans wound up in the growing pile of clothes on her floor.

It'd been along time since they'd felt this way; the sense of urgency and the need to feel as close to each other as she could get. And by the looks of things, they were going to get exactly what they both wanted.


Juicy, juicy...

Merry almost Christmas, everyone!

As always, leave me your feedback! Also, what's everyone's plans for Christmas/the holidays?

Elle xo

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