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Bright and early next morning, Georgia's head was spinning. She wasn't sure if it was from her encounter with Zac, or the amount of vodka-cranberries she drank to forget the whole thing.

Today was the wedding. Natalie had asked Georgia to come to her room around 7:30 to help her get ready. There would be a team of hair stylists there, and Natalie opted for all the girls to do their own makeup.

Georgia showered, her mind running a million miles. Would Zac try to start any drama? Would he ignore her for the rest of the day?

She threw on her undergarments and pulled her bridesmaid robe on overtop, leaving her hair up in a towel while she rummaged through her suitcase to find her makeup bag and shoes.

"I can't wait for this whole day to be fucking over." She muttered to herself angrily. The sooner she got back to LA, the better.

Once she had all her stuff together, she made her way to the elevator, and up to Natalie's room.

The door swung open before she even had a chance to knock.

"Thank god you're here, I'm having a mental breakdown!" Natalie cried.

"What's wrong?" Georgia asked, setting her stuff down on the bed.

"Come here and look at this." Natalie dragged the younger girl into the bathroom and pointed at the counter surrounding the sink. "Do you see that?!"

Georgia peered down at the counter and gasped, picking the item up in her hands. "Natalie! Oh my god! You're pregnant!"

Natalie covered her eyes with her hands. "I know! What do I do?!"

"Does Taylor know?!" Georgia screeched excitedly. Since having Bailee, she's become more and more excited about other people having babies.

"We had suspicions last week because I was really sick and tired all the time but I never did take a test." Natalie explained. "But I literally found out about 15 minutes ago, so no, he doesn't know yet."

"This is so exciting!" Georgia grinned. "When are you gonna tell him?"

"I have no idea. I was hoping you could help me with that." Natalie shrugged.

"Tell him at the reception. Like, after his brothers say their speeches, stand up and thank everyone for coming. Then just turn to look at Taylor and tell him."

"You think that'll work? To just spring it on him?"

"Well, I mean it wouldn't really be a surprise if he already suspected you were pregnant."

"That's true." Natalie nodded. "Oh my god, Georgia."


"I'm pregnant!" The two girls jumped and hugged and screamed together happily.

"Come on. Let's get you ready to go down that aisle."

After the hairstyling team showed up and did everyone's hair, Georgia, Natalie and the rest of the bridesmaids did their makeup and got dressed. It took several attempts to get Natalie into her dress, but they finally did it.

"Dang, who let you out?" Natalie asked Georgia, whistling as she exited the bathroom in her bridesmaid dress.

"Oh stop," Georgia laughed, along with the other bridesmaids.

"Seriously! You're hot!" Natalie pulled on the hem of Georgia's dress.

Georgia swatted her hands away. "Quit pulling on it!"

"I'm just trying to show off your-"

"Don't you finish that sentence. I'm a mother!"

"Doesn't mean you can't have some cleavage showing. You're not a grandmother." Natalie winked.

"Come on, Miss Bryant. Time for you to become Mrs Hanson!"


Georgia took her place behind Taylor and Diana, her fingers laced through Isaac's. Natalie had told her that she thought walking arm in arm looked too stiff, so she gave everyone the option of holding hands instead if they wanted to.

Taylor turned around and gave Georgia a huge grin. "You look beautiful, George. Breathtaking, even."

Georgia blushed, staring at her feet. "It's still so weird to have Taylor Hanson calling me beautiful."

Taylor laughed and so did Diana and Isaac. "Seriously? We've known each other for years now."

"I know. Doesn't mean it still isn't surreal." Georgia grinned. Also doesn't mean it isn't surreal that I have a child with a Hanson, for God's sake.

Georgia could feel a set of eyes burning holes in her back, but she kept facing forward. If she turned around now, she might just tell that set of eyes where to go and how to get there. But she did without being able to stop herself.

"Stop looking at me." She whispered harshly, without actually looking up at Zac's face.

"You look amazing, Georgia." He whispered back.

"Didn't ask you for your opinion. Shove it." Georgia said rudely, turning back around. Isaac gave her a sympathetic half smile and squeezed her hand.

The church organ started to play and the double doors to the church opened, revealing all the guests, along with beautiful white and navy blue flower arrangements on the end of each pew.

Taylor and Diana walked forward, smiling at everyone as they travelled up the aisle. Georgia held her bouquet of white roses tightly in her hand, squeezing Isaac's hand with her other. He smiled down at her and winked, before they set off down the aisle. Georgia saw her mother and Bailee sitting a few rows behind the front.

"Hi mommy!" Bailee shouted, making the whole church laugh, and Georgia almost die of embarrassment, but she grinned and waved back nonetheless.

Georgia took her place next to Natalie, watching as Zac broke off from Nikki and stood beside Isaac. He caught her eyes and they stared at each other for the longest time, neither one breaking eye contact. He looked incredible in an all black suit, black dress shirt and navy blue tie to match the dresses. Zac kept his hands in the pockets of his pants, tapping his legs as she continued to look at Georgia. Georgia didn't know whether she wanted to go over and jump his bones, or wrap her manicured hands around his neck and choke him out.

Zac, much to his own dismay, was thinking roughly the same thing. Even though she's been horrible to him the last couple days, he couldn't stop staring. The way Georgia's long, curly hair fell around her shoulders to her waist, the silver heels that made her legs look ten times longer, the dark blue dress that hugged her body  perfectly. Even when she was smiling in front of a crowd, Georgia still looked like she could kill a man with one bat of her lashes.

He was hoping by the grace of God, that he could talk to her at the reception without her flipping out at him. But judging by the sassy fake smile she was giving him, he wasn't keeping his hopes up too high.

This chapter is a bit of a filler, so I apologize about that. What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Leave me your guesses (or hopes ;) ) in the comments!

(The dress pictured above is what I imagine the bridesmaid dresses to look like. Please keep in mind that the minor details of the wedding have been changed to fit this story!)

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