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"Why did I ever agree to do this?" Georgia muttered as she pulled into the big fancy restaurant parking lot. "Because you're a goddamn fool, Georgia, that's why." She answered her own question.

Tonight was the rehearsal dinner. Natalie had asked her to be in the wedding, just four hours previously. And when she did, Georgia thought she was going to puke. It was going to be bad enough just being in the same room as Zac, but now she had to actually stand in the wedding.

"Georgia! You made it!" Taylor shouted from the door way of the restaurant.

"Of course I did. I'm in your stupid wedding." Georgia grumbled, brushing past him and going into the main dining area. Her tall black heels click-clacked on the tile floor, sounding aggressive and angry. The skirt of her dress that she was supposed to wear to the wedding swung around in the breeze she created as she walked. It just so happened that the other bridesmaid's dress was Georgia's size, it just had to be let out in the bust area a little, which Georgia's mom was home doing as she watched Bailee.

Taylor walked behind her, feeling just as nervous as she did. He wasn't sure just how she would react seeing Zac. He hadn't even told her the worst part.

Georgia looked around for Natalie, but her eyes landed on Zac for a brief moment, for the first time in three years. Georgia instantly felt nauseous. He lifted his hand and waved at her ever so slightly. She sucked in a big breath and turned away from him, feeling her chest tighten and her head spin.

"Alright, to start things off, I'm going to need Taylor and Diana to start the line up. Then, all the bridal party to line up with their aisle partner." The wedding planner, Jen, said loudly to the crowd of people.

Realizing that she hadn't asked Natalie who her partner was, she snuck in line behind Isaac and Natalie's friend Nikki, and waited for whatever groomsman she was supposed to walk with. Picking at her manicured nails, she noticed someone come and strand next to her but she didn't bother to look up.


Georgia's head snapped up as she recognized the voice. She turned to see a frightened looking Zac Hanson. "Why are you standing next to me?"

"Um- Natalie didn't tell you?"

Realization spread across Georgia's face. "Oh, hell no." Georgia scoffed, stepping out of the line and folding her arms. "Absolutely not."

Zac looked as hurt as he felt. Natalie saw what was unfolding and came over, looking sheepish.

"Glad you found your partner." She said carefully.

"Forgive my diva behaviour, but I absolutely refuse to walk with him." Georgia said through gritted teeth, seething with anger.

"Georgia-" Zac started to say. Him saying her name was the most beautiful sound she'd heard in a long time. But before she got too caught up, she put her hand up in his direction to stop him from talking, which he instantly closed his mouth and stared at the ground. Georgia grabbed Natalie by the hand and dragged her to the ladies bathroom.

"Why didn't you tell me? Had I have known, I would have never agreed." Georgia said angrily.

"That's why I didn't tell you, G. I knew you'd react this way."

"Are you serious?"  Georgia shouted. "So instead of giving me a little heads up like, by the way Georgia, you'll be walking with Zac, you decided it would be best if I just didn't know? If I just found out this way? Is this supposed to be a surprise or something? Because it's a shitty one, Nat. A really fucking shitty surprise."

By this time,  Georgia's breathing was heavy and she felt hot tears sting her eyes. She put her hand to her forehead, feeling nauseous.

"Georgia, I'm sorry." Natalie whispered like a scolded child, staring at her feet. "I didn't realize how bad this was going to be for you. I'm sorry."

Georgia leaned over the sink, trying to put her thoughts together.

"Natalie, I can't walk with him. I won't." Georgia whispered, staring at her reflection in the mirror. "I'm sorry, Natalie, but I just can't."

The older girl wrapped her arms around Georgia in a tight, reassuring hug, and Georgia was relieved that Natalie wasn't angry at her for losing her cool.

"Let me see what I can do, okay? Give me five minutes." Natalie told Georgia, a smile on her face. Georgia nodded and followed Natalie out of the bathroom, but hung back behind a fake potted tree to see what she would do next. Georgia could see her whispering to Taylor, who was nodding with a thoughtful look on his face. Then Natalie went and talked to Isaac, who looked like he said something like 'yeah, that'll work'. Zac was standing beside Isaac as Natalie spoke, staring at the ground and shifting his weight.

Georgia couldn't help but to watch him from her hiding spot. He had cut his hair into a shaggy mess, and the sun-kissed blonde was making a comeback. Georgia would see them on TV and noticed that Zac's natural colour was a medium brown, that lightened in the summer. He was an inch or two taller, but still a little bit chubby. The dark blue button up dress shirt that he wore fit him perfectly, along with his black dress pants. Zac looked so grown up, and still so handsome to Georgia. I'm so lucky that Bailee has good genes, she thought to herself, smiling and shaking her head.

Natalie came back over with a winning smile. "I figured it out. Instead of walking with Zac, you'll walk with Isaac. Zac will walk with Nikki."

"You're the best," Georgia sighed, giving the older girl a hug. "Again, I'm so sorry for losing my shit. This is just a big mess and I hate dragging you and the wedding into it."

"I should have realized. I'm the one who's sorry, G." Natalie frowned.

"I'd just like to point out that I had no say in any of that decision." An angry voice spoke up. Oh, of course. Natalie turned around, and both girls gave Zac a look. Natalie's was almost sympathetic; Georgia's was a mixture of annoyed and murderous.

"Last time I checked, this isn't your wedding. So, your 'say' is not needed here, thanks." Georgia bit back. "Jackass." She said loudly enough for him to hear, walking around Natalie and purposely bumping Zac hard in the shoulder as she went.

"Why is she being like this?" Zac whispered, rubbing his face in frustration. "She hasn't said a nice word to me since she got here."

"You're kidding right? I can't believe your guilty conscience hasn't set in yet." Natalie laughed, but it was a bitter sound. She brushed past Zac and went to stand next to Taylor. Georgia was standing beside Isaac, her arm linked through his. They chatted, and the mega-watt smile that Georgia had on her face reminded him so much of 16 year old Georgia. The girl he knew so well, and loved so much. Obviously though, that Georgia was gone.

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