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Georgia awoke the next afternoon in her old bedroom. As she lay in her bed, she glanced around the room. It hasn't changed while she was away; her mother had kept it exactly how'd she'd left it a few years ago.

Posters of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilara and the Backstreet Boys covered her walls. She'd taken down all her Hanson posters before she left, but they were stored away in a shoebox in her closet. Her bookshelf that was covered in books was dusty, as was the framed picture of her and Zac.

Sighing, Georgia got up out of bed and took the picture off the shelf. Then, she dropped it into the garbage bucket by her desk.

When she got to the kitchen, there was a note taped to the stove in her mothers handwriting.


I took Bailee out for the afternoon so you could get some well needed rest. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge for you if you want it. Also, Taylor called for you this morning. Call him back.

Love, Mom

"Of course." Georgia grumbled. "Just like Taylor to never be patient."

She finished her pizza, then went to the back deck to call Taylor. Sitting on the swing, she pulled her phone from the pocket of her pyjama shorts.

"Hello?" Came a cheerful voice on the other end.

"Taylor?" Georgia asked nervously.


"How'd you know?" She laughed, relieved that someone else hadn't picked up.

"I know your voice, G. I'll always know it's you."

Georgia smiled. "What are you up to today?"

"Nothing really. My mom and Natalie are going over last minute wedding stuff. And I'm bored."

"Let's have coffee or something? My mom kidnapped my child for the afternoon, so I'm free to hang out."

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "We can definitely talk."

"Great. Want me to pick you up?"

"Can I pick you up instead? I'd love to see Natalie and your mom... If they want to, that is."

"Are you kidding me? They saw on TV that you're back. I've been controlling them all day from coming over there." Taylor laughed.

Georgia grinned. "Alright. I'll be over soon."

"Isaac is here too. But don't worry, Zac is gone out. He won't be back for a while." Taylor said gently.

"Thank God." Georgia whispered. "I'll see you soon, T."

It was nice and sunny outside, so Georgia decided to wear a light blue sundress along with white flip flops. After fluffing out her curly hair, Georgia found her keys and her sunglasses and headed out the door.

Georgia's lonely car ride was silent. No radio, no Bailee in the backseat singing or talking, nothing. And as much as she missed Bailee, Georgia didn't mind the quiet. It gave her time to think. What if Zac was home when she got there? What if Diana didn't actually want to see her? What if they start asking questions? Georgia was a nervous wreck.

Georgia approached the Hanson house, a feeling that was so familiar, it almost made Georgia sick. She pulled in behind the family van, sitting there for what felt like forever, trying to drum up the courage to get out of her car. Finally, she left her car and made her way to the house.

She raised her fist to knock on the door, but it swung open before she had the chance.

"Oh, Georgia!" Someone squealed, grabbing her up in their arms.

"Hi, Natalie." Georgia laughed, hugging the older girl back."

"Oh don't just "hi Natalie" me! How have you been?! You look amazing!"

"So do you! And I'm doing pretty okay. It's nice to be home." Georgia smiled, pulling out of Natalie's arms.

"Is that Georgia I hear out there?" Called an excited voice from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Ike, it's me!"

Isaac came running around the corner and swooped Georgia up in his arms, spinning her around.  "I missed you, Georgie!"

"I've missed you all," Georgia couldn't help but giggle. It was so nice to see them all again, even if she felt like she was going to vomit from nerves.

"Come in and sit down! We have so much to catch up on," Natalie said happily.

"Actually, Georgia and I were going to go for a coffee." Taylor spoke up.

"Oh." Said his soon-to-be-wife. "That's okay! Georgia, we totally have to hang out while you're home. I just have to show you my dress!"

"Hey! How come she can see your dress before the wedding but I can't?" Taylor complained loudly.

"Because you're the groom, dummy."

Taylor rolled his eyes. "Right. Whatever. Let's go, G."

Upstairs in the Hanson house, in his bedroom, Zac watched with jealous eyes as his older brother opened Georgia's car door for her. He couldn't get over how much she had changed in a couple of years, but she still looked exactly the same. His voice caught in his throat; he wanted to yell out to her so badly but his voice wouldn't allow him.

Zac watched as Georgia's car backed up out of the driveway, and he let the tears that had slowly built up, overflow and drop down onto his shirt.


Aw, poor Zac.

Finally got this update out.. I think I'm over my writers block! Expect some more chapters in the upcoming week or so :)

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