Twenty Three

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A week went by, with no news from the doctors. Zac was a nervous wreck.

"You know you're her dad, Zac. I don't know why you're losing your mind over this." Taylor shook his head, annoyed with the same topic of conversation. "I also don't know why this is the 65th time we've talked about this today."

"I'm terrified, Taylor!" Zac shouted. "I don't know anything. What if she did sleep with someone else when she moved?"

"You make absolutely zero logical sense." Taylor rolled his eyes. "And if she heard you say that, she would kick your ass from here to next week."

The phone rang and Zac nearly jumped out of his skin, before hopping over the couch and dashing to the phone.


".. you okay, Z? Where's the fire?"

Zac breathed out a sigh. "Georgia."

"Hi," Georgia laughed. "Everything okay?"

"Uh- yeah, everything's fine. What's up?"

"I was gonna see if you wanted to go for food or something. Mom kidnapped Bailee again and I'm bored." Georgia laughed.

"Food? You know how much I love food."

"Meet here first, then diner?"

"Sounds good."

Zac hopped in his truck and drove to Georgias house, his stomach twisting in knots. When he got there, Georgia was on her cellphone on the patio, in what looked to be a very heated argument.

"I don't care, I'm not going!" She was shouting as Zac hopped out of the truck. He gave her a questioning look, but she ignored him. "No! Absolutely not, Hannah. I'm tied up with family issues. Im not gonna go." Georgia pulled the phone away from her ear and hung up.

Zac knew Hannah Jones was Georgia's agent and manager; she was the best in the business.

"What was that about?" Zac asked, earning himself an eye roll from Georgia. He followed her into the house and into the living room.

"Hannah. She wants me to go back to LA to shoot for a Vogue cover."

"Georgia! That's a fantastic opportunity!" Zac said excitedly. "Vogue!"

"I'm not going. Not until we hear back from the clinic." Georgia said stubbornly. "And then maybe I'll consider going. Maybe."

"Are you out of your mind?!" Zac yelled, waving his arms around. "This is Vogue, Georgia. This ain't no teeny bopper Tiger Beat magazine. This is the big time!"

Georgia raised her eyebrows. "I think you're losing your mind."

"Give me your phone, I'm calling Hannah back." Zac said sternly, holding out his hand. "You're going, you're gonna shoot that Vogue cover, and you're gonna rock it."

"Yeah, okay." Georgia laughed, rolling her eyes. She slid her phone into the back pocket of her denim shorts.  "I told you, I'm gonna w-"

"That isn't gonna work for me," Zac shook his head, trying to reach around Georgia to get her phone. "Georgia, give me your phone!"

He made a grab for her but she darted out of the way, making Zac trip over the coffee table. He grabbed Georgia on his fall down to the floor, landing flat on his back with Georgia on top of him.

"Ouch." He sighed. Georgia cracked up, sitting up but keeping her legs on either side of his hips.

"Are you laughing at my pain, Georgia Blue?" Zac raised an eyebrow. Georgia giggled and shook her head, covering her mouth with her hands. "Alright, you're dead meat, Walters."

He reached up to her sides and started to mercilessly tickle her, causing her to lose her breath completely. Georgia tried to pry Zac's fingers off her body but he was too strong. He flipped them around, so that she was on her back and he was sitting on her.

Zac stopped suddenly and stared down at the girl who, after three long years, captured and held his heart. The way her hair fanned out around her head as she smiled up at him, her eyes wild and sparkling with excitement.

"You're beautiful. You know that, right?" He whispered.

"Stop," Georgia blushed, covering her face with her hands as it turned bright red. Zac grabbed her wrists and pulled them off her face. He stood up and pulled her up with him, winding his arms around her waist.

"I'm serious. You're perfect." His lips rested against her forehead.

Georgia wanted to cry, throw up and scream from the top of the mountains that she still  loved him. He was too good to her; she couldn't even put it into words.


"Yeah, G?"

"Kiss me."

A grin erupted across Zac's lips as he held Georgias face in his hands, leaning in and kissing her gently. Georgia immediately melted into his arms, winding hers around his waist. They stood there for what seemed like hours, just kissing slowly and enjoying each others presence.

A knock at the door interrupted the moment, and Georgia reluctantly pulled away to go answer it. She peeked through the peep hole and saw the mailman, and just about threw the door open.

"Georgia Walters?" He asked, handing her a big yellow envelope.

"Yep, thanks!" Georgia grabbed the envelope and held it against her chest. She closed the door and walked back to the living room. Zac was sitting on the couch, watching her carefully.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked, slowly standing up.

"It sure is."

"Well? What are you waiting for? Open the stupid thing!"




"The hell do you mean 'no'?" Zac was exasperated. "Georgia, I've been dying for weeks. I have to know."

Georgia walked past him silently, grabbing her car keys. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Zac whined, trudging after her.

"To your parents house."


Well, hello.

Here's my Christmas gift to you guys.

Elle xo

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