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Georgia whipped around.

"What? Not happy to see me?"

"TAYLOR!" Georgia shouted, running across the kitchen and into his arms.

Taylor laughed, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. "Well, that's more like it."

Georgia's feet touched the floor again as she looked up at Taylor. He'd grown up a lot; a bit taller, the chubbiness of his cheeks was gone. But he still looked the same to Georgia.

"Look at you, you're beautiful!" Taylor told Georgia, his hands on her face.

Georgia blushed. "Stop it."

Taylor laughed again. "You are!"

"Enough about me. What about you? You're getting married!" Georgia squealed excitedly.

Taylor scratched the back of his head, blushing bright red. "Yeah. Crazy right?"


"Not as crazy as you being a mother!" Taylor exclaimed, a grin on his face.

Georgia felt her stomach tighten. "Yeah..."

Taylor sensed that she was uncomfortable, so he didn't push anything. He knew the truth already. But he was the only one.

"Where is she? I'd like to meet her," Taylor said gently.

"My mom took her upstairs; it's her nap time."

"Taylor? Is that you?" Georgia's mom called out softly as she descended the stairs.

"Yeah. Hi, Mrs Walters." Taylor said happily as he hugged her.

"My goodness. Married. I can't believe it."

"I know. You're both coming? And the little squirt too, of course." Taylor laughed.

Georgia felt sick. The thought of running into Zac was enough to make Georgia's stomach do somersaults.

"Of course!" Georgia smiled fakely.

Taylor narrowed his eyes slightly, and Georgia knew she was caught with her fake smile and fake happiness.

"I'll let you two catch up. Taylor, it was lovely to see you again." Mrs Walters smiled at the boy before returning upstairs.

"Georgia," Taylor started.

"Just- just don't, okay?" Georgia whispered, staring into his eyes. "Don't ask me any questions. Please."

"But Georgia-"

"Taylor. I said don't." Georgia gritted her teeth.

"Fine." Taylor huffed. He was frustrated. He wanted her to spill the beans and tell him everything. He wanted her to tell him that his brother was the father of her child. He wanted to know why she ran away.

"I'm sorry. We'll talk, okay? Just... not right now." Georgia sighed, rubbing her face.

Taylor gave in, feeling bad. He took in her tired eyes and her frowning lips, missing the bright smile he got so used to seeing a few years ago. She looked so beautiful, but also absolutely exhausted.

"I'll let you get some rest. Do you still have my number?" Taylor asked, heading towards the front door, Georgia trailing behind.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I changed my number but I still have yours."

"Call me tomorrow okay?"

"I will."

"Goodnight, G." Taylor said with a gentle smile. "It's so good to have you back."

Georgia smiled, closing the door behind him.

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