Dib and Zim: Destroyers/Saviors of Worlds

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[34 minutes later]

Zim crawled out of the opening, carrying an oil-drenched Gir on the PAK. "That stuff was gross! Bleh!" He spat out the goop on Zim's head.

"I told you not to taste the oil," Zim shook the liquid off of his head.

"The weak spot seemed to work," Dib commented, chuckling at the sight of Gir.

"A little too well," Zim pointed to the ground to make Gir stand beside him. "We found the excess oil."

"No. That's not chocolate syrup?"

"Shut it."

They walked back to the ship. "No sign of Vabrin; at least, not yet. If you go this quickly at all of the drills, we could make it," Dib twirled the ship card in his hands.

"We better make it. I haven't worked at this with you just to fail. Zim doesn't fail."

"What about that one school election? And-"

"Dib, your corn-hole. Shut it," Zim crossed his arms in the back.

"I WANT CORN!" Gir threw up his arms and tackled the back of Dib's head. "Gimme the corn!"

"No!" Dib shook him off and continued to hold him back with his foot. "Zim, call the robot off. We're cutting this short; you'll need to deactivate every single drill and we'll only have like two minutes afterwards if we keep this rate up."

"Relax, human worm baby. I can go much faster."


[Five drills later]

"Zim, you've got forty-five minutes."

The three landed a little bit away from the drill. "Zim will make it," He assured Dib, getting out. "Now I've got both of my eyes. It will make it."

"Sure. I'll tell you if Vabrin comes. He's been a little too quiet for my liking."

"When hasn't he been too quiet for your liking?"

"Hurry up already!" Dib pushed him towards the drill along with Gir, who was trying to grab the antennae on his head like a dog trying to get his tail.

He started again with the drill, quite used to the procedure at this point, and clutched the engine as the ground rumbled again. He had gotten tangled at drill #3, and had to begrudgingly ask for Dib's help. "Yeah, that's not happening again."

As soon as the earthquake was over, he officially started on the drill. Everything was going smoothly until:

"Zim! We've got compan-" Dib was abruptly cut off.

"Hold him off! I'm almost done!" Zim called back. "Gir, go help Dib."

"Yes, my lord!" Gir saluted him and flew out. "Hi!" His high-pitched voice yiped.

"Get off of me!" Vabrin's deep growl was quite a contrast. Zim worked faster, and faster...

"One more... Come on..." Zim reached to unscrew the last component, but something tackled him from behind into the mass of wires. In the near darkness, all Zim could see was the green gleam of Vabrin's eyes. They wrestled, both being careful not to get themselves stuck in the wires, until Vabrin managed to throw Zim over the engine to the opening of the drill.

He stretched his neck up and shook the stars out of his eyes. Vabrin was chasing him, Dib was on the ground, not unconscious but clearly stunned. Gir had a blaster mark on his arm, but he was still up and running around with a muffin that came from who-knows-where. He looked back to the drill, where Vabrin had tripped on a wire and was trying to steady himself on the uneven ground.

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