The Vortians

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"Mastah, are you still crazy?"

Zim groaned at the question. "No, Gir. I never was."

"So, I'm just trying to sum all of this up," Dib had a notepad open in back. Gnawing on a pen, he glanced up. "So, since you took over the Earth, we've crashed the ship at least once, and Gir's died. You've crushed an arm, broken the other, and narrowly escaped an autopsy. I've broken a rib and narrowly escaped the armada twice. Your PAK almost took over my body, it got damaged, and the granddaddy of them all... You were mind controlled. Did I leave out anything?"

"Dead father."

"Right. I purposely left that one out..."

"Stop moping. Need I remind you, we have no idea where we are, what to do next, or how to shake Vabrin from our tails! And even if we did know where we are, I don't have the blueprints for the driller."

"Oh, I know," Dib replied, bitterness ringing in his tone. "Don't forget we only have nine hours."

Zim looked down at his arm, still in the splint. He took it off and flexed his wrist and three fingers. It was perfectly fine. He tossed back the splint. "Nine hours... How do you even have a countdown on this?"

"Look, you said they're drilling into the Earth's core. If they do that, they'll find the magma and the actual core that's there. They'll take it out which won't take very long to do. Without the magma, the Earth won't have any structure. Now we're already doomed that way. Without the actual core, the atmosphere will disappear. No one will be able to breathe, the radiation would eventually kill us... I mean, there are so many ways we could die by doing this I can't believe we're still alive right now."

Zim turned his chair around quickly. "How long have you been studying Earth?"

"My dad wanted me to be a real scientist. What, do you think he taught me nothing?!" Dib retorted. "Now shut up and fly while I think of a plan."

Zim wanted to snap back at him, but he turned back and continued to fly, grumbling Irken curses. Gir was biting into a chicken leg. He glanced over, wanting to ask for a bite, but shook the urge and looked on. But he soon found himself looking over frequently until: "Gir, can I have some of that?"

Gir passed the leg. "Oh come on! You don't even like Earth food!" Dib protested, getting up.

"I'm starving, Dib-thing," Zim mumbled through a mouthful of disgusting chicken. "It tastes worse than garoochona meat, but it's food."

"Give me that!" Dib ripped the leg out of his hands and took a chunk out of it, handing the rest of it back to Gir.

"CHICKEN! I love chicken..."

Zim now felt sick. "UGH! I need real food, not this Earth shluck."

"I don't know what you're talking about. That was the best chicken I've ever had," Dib licked his lips. Zim gagged. "Alright, it wasn't that bad."

"Yeah, it was," He spat. Zim looked out of the front screen again. The sun had now risen into the sky, blue and grey. One color stuck out from the rest: Green. Neon green. "Is that...?"

"Oh come on!" Dib groaned. "Can't we go five minutes without Vabrin?"

Zim shook his head. "It's a Vortian ship! Why are they here...?"

"There's only one," Dib pointed out. "How dangerous could it-" Hundreds of more ships sank into view. Zim stopped the ship so quickly Gir and Dib fell. "Nevermind. That's not good."

"Irken!" One of the ships said over the loudspeaker. The ships started to charge forward.

"Not good, not good!" Dib kept his eyes glued to the front screen. Zim turned the ship around and flew away, opening the rear camera on the control board. Nets, blaster fire, and ships hurtled towards them, forcing Zim to swerve and loop to avoid being hit.

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