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"Zim! Where are you?!"

Zim couldn't see, but he could hear. "Zim!" Dib's voice called again. It sounded closer. "Zim! Wake up! Come on!"

He forced himself to open his eyes. Dib was staring down at him. There was a scratch on his forehead. "Zim! Come on, get up!"

"Why didn't... Gir... Get me?" Zim attempted to sit up, but there was something on his arm. Dib saw it and tried to push it off.

"I haven't seen Gir anywhere," Dib stopped, panting. "I can't get it off."

"It's fine. Go find Gir, I'll just have to get it off myself," Zim flipped on his side, wincing as he moved his arm. Crushing his arm was a chunk of a building made of stone. He extended the metal leg from his PAK and pushed off the stone. It didn't feel better--If anything, his arm was in even more pain. He clutched it closer to his chest and sat up, looking around. The Cruiser was busted up, but he could get it back to the base.

Dib ran up to him. He stared at Zim's arm. He looked down and realized how scratched up and crushed it looked.

Zim looked back up. "It'll heal. Where's Gir?"

"Um... About him..." Dib cleared his throat and pulled from his trench coat the dented, mangled skeleton of Gir. His eyes were no longer blue, but grey, meaning that he was off. Mud and dirt were smeared all over him. Dib brought Gir down from his coat and hugged him against his chest. He looked down at him. "I always liked that little robot."

"I can fix him. I've always been able to fix him," Zim used the metal legs to boost himself to his feet. "Let's get back to my base."

"But it's miles away!" Dib frowned. Zim gave him a look that just screamed "seriously?". Dib rolled his eyes. "Okay, alien technology. I should know better at this point."

Zim tapped on the PAK and was given three teleportation pads. He slapped one on the ship and put in the home location, and then more specifically the repair bay. It disappeared. "I've never done this with a living thing before," Zim put another one on Dib's chest and put in a location.

"But it's safe," Dib pushed.

"Not sure. Have fun!" Zim sent him off before he could reply. He waited.

"ZIM!" Dib's voice sounded extremely distant. He's fine. Zim grinned and teleported himself. Next thing he knew, he was outside of his base, which was on the side of town the Irken armada hadn't gotten to yet. Dib looked furious.

"Hey, you're in one piece, aren't you?" Zim marched across his lawn into his house. "Computer, start repairs on the ship. We're going to need it."

"INTRUDER ALERT," The computer screamed as Dib walked in. Blasters immediately pointed at him from the ceiling.

"He's with me, stand down," Zim commanded. The blasters retracted.

"Your blood is... Pink? Kind of clear?" Dib was staring at his arm again.

"Yeah, what did you think it was? A stupid color like red?"

"Umm... Nevermind. Shouldn't we defend ourselves with something?"

"I've had blasters this entire time," Zim extended the blasters from his PAK. "You can take this, stink brain," He tossed Dib a blaster.

"I don't know how to work one of these!"

"Of course not. Your feeble human mind can't comprehend it."

"Why am I working with you again?" Dib muttered.

World Domination (Invader Zim Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now