Team up

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One taco break later, Zim approached his only cell... With a captive Dib inside. He opened the door and stepped in. Dib charged towards him, screaming. Zim held him back with the metal spider legs in his PAK. "I'm not in the mood, rat-stink!"

Dib stopped and stepped back. "Why do you sound so defeated? You don't have to trick me, you filthy alien! You already took over the Earth!"

"This isn't a trick!" Zim snapped, trying to sound more triumphant. "I just wanted to tell you that the Tallest are planning to turn the filthy Earth into a... Parking lot."

"NOOOO-" Dib stopped abruptly. "Wait. That's it? You're not even going to rule over it?"

Zim wanted to strangle him.

His anger must have been clear because Dib smiled. "You WANTED to rule over it, didn't you? Well, now you won't. In a way, I WIN!"

"YOU WIN?!" Zim reared up on his spider legs, furious. "You call ALL LIFE ON EARTH DESTROYED A WIN?!" He didn't realize it, but the spider legs had been getting higher as he went on. "I'm going to RULE THIS PLANET. ONE WAY, OR ANOTHER. You FILTHY humans will be destroyed under ZIM'S hand. Better yet, I won't destroy them. I'll TORTURE them! Make them PAY!"

"ZIM!" Dib interrupted, on the ground now, slowly backing up. "Calm down!" Zim blinked and lowered himself to the ground, slightly embarrassed about the sudden outrage. He cleared his throat. "What are you saying?"

"I... Want to take over the Earth again. This time... From the Irken empire," Wow, that sounds really bad now that I say it aloud. Zim thought.

"Can I help?"

"You want to help me?!"

"It's better than being destroyed. Although I don't trust you, lizard," Dib glared at Zim.

"You don't have to like the agreement, stink brain. You just have to abide by it," He growled. Dib got up.

"Have they gotten here yet?" He asked.

"I don't think-" Zim was cut off by a crash coming from the surface. "Nevermind. They're here."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Of course, Zim has a plan! It's an AMAZING PLAN THAT CANNOT FAIL!"

"O-kay..." Dib crossed his arms. "Then do it."

"YOU CANNOT TELL ZIM WHAT TO DO!" Zim yelled. "I'm gonna do it. Come on, Gir."

"Yaay!" Gir skipped ahead.

Zim felt uneasy. He shivered. Dib looked over. "What, are you scared, alien?"

"Of course not. I'm just committing high treason, no big deal," Zim rolled his eyes. Dib went silent.

Zim walked over to the base communication and called the Tallest. "I want to see if I can do this WITHOUT destroying the armada."

"Good luck with that," Dib muttered, getting out of the shot.

The Tallest appeared on-screen. "My Tallest, I was thinking... Can we keep the planet as it is and have me to rule it?"

"Why do you want to rule a planet like this?" Purple asked, munching on a muffin. "It's so... Dirty."

"It's something."

"Yeah, but we like snacks. If you rule the planet, we don't get the snacks," Red pointed out.

"Umm... I guess... But my Tallest, I've spent so long trying to conquer the Earth-"

"He has!" Dib chimed in.

"And I feel like I deserve to take over."

"Look, Zim, no Invader has ever ruled the planet they've studied," Red stole the muffin from Purple and took a bite. "Mostly because Invaders aren't supposed to take over planets. But why should you be any different?"

"Besides, what would you even do with the planet?" Purple added, instead pulling up a bag of donuts.

"Enslave the humans and make them pay for all the teasing and picking and OH YOU GET MY POINT," Zim took a breath before he went on. "All I'm saying is that I deserve to rule this planet, and that it can be more than just a parking lot."

"Too bad. We don't see any other use," Purple shrugged. "We 'appreciate' your effort, Invader Zim, but you can still rule the parking lot," He burst into a fit of laughter. Red followed in his footsteps.

The transmission ended.

"UGH!" Zim growled, kicking the control board. "Fine. On to Plan B," He turned around. Dib was gone. "Gir... Where did the human go?"

"Oh, he left," Gir answered, slurping a cup of... Something. "He gone."

"WHAT?!" Zim screamed. He ran to the elevator and went up to the docking bay, where he found Dib climbing into his ship. He ran forward and tackled him out of it.

"Let me up!" Dib struggled. "Must... Save... Mankind..."

"Don't you get it?" Zim snapped. "The armada is here! You'd be dead meat by now if you weren't with me! Forget mankind, stupid, feeble human! GIVE IT UP!"

Dib stopped struggling. Zim let him up, quickly closing the ship. "I failed," Dib muttered, getting up.

"Yes, you did. Now come on, Plan B!" Zim rushed past him back towards the elevator. Dib followed, clearly depressed. "So, we're going to the surface to assess their plan. I don't want to attack just yet..."

"Alright," Dib leaned against the wall of the elevator. "What if they attack?"

"They won't attack me... As for you, you're on your own."

"I'll think of something, I guess," Dib sighed. Zim glanced over at him.

"Oh, stop sniveling. You wouldn't have been able to save them, anyway," He rolled his eyes. "You're not the last one, you know. They'll probably enslave some of them to use as workers."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Dib frowned.

"Eh," Zim shrugged. "I'm just stating facts."

World Domination (Invader Zim Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora