A Chain of Unfortunate Events

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[Four Hours Later]

Dib was snoring in the pilot seat. "How long do humans sleep?" Zim muttered, incredibly bored. He tried yet again to close his eyes and fall asleep himself, but it wouldn't happen. He considered waking Dib up, but he wasn't sure how much sleep humans needed.

Something scratched the front screen of the ship. Zim stood up from the back and looked out the screen. There was nothing there. Suspicious, he grabbed the blaster next to him and opened it, looking around. A twig snapped. He stepped out of the ship, blaster now cocked.

He closed the ship screen and walked forward, trying to listen. Now, all was silent. A sense of dread slowly grew inside of him until he wanted to run back to the ship. No. I know I heard something. Zim thought, pushing back the feeling. He heard something running up to him and he turned and fired, not even seeing where he shot. He jumped back, knowing he missed and looked at the target.


She charged forward, a spear in hand, and lashed out. Zim dodged and fired again, this time actually aiming. Sil ducked and tripped him, pinning him down. "I guess it's true. It's impossible to sneak up on an Irken," She grinned. "You put up quite a fight."

"Well, I'm well trained," Zim growled, using the PAK to push himself up, tackling Sil and pinning her down. "As if you've forgotten."

"Well, unlike you," Sil pushed Zim off and slashed his shoulder. "I've mastered melee combat."

"You filthy little-" Zim stopped. "You can't be alone."

"Oh, but I am," She grinned, pointing the spear at him. "Want another?"

She lashed out again but Zim ducked, grabbing the spear from over him and flipping it around, slamming Sil to the ground. He pulled out the laser and quickly fired, but she rolled out of the way. She quickly got up and eyed him, smiling. "What're you smiling about?" Zim growled.

"You're fast," Sil now had a smug look on her face. "Something you must have picked up on. But that's not the only thing you've picked up on; what was that weapon you and the human used to stun those men?"

"What, you haven't analyzed it yet? Foolish Sil... I won't talk. The amazing Zim will NEVER talk!"

"Oh, we've analyzed it... And we can't find a way to repel it. You, however-" She brought up a cup of water and splashed it on him. "Have found a way to shield yourself from it."

Zim grunted. "What can I say? You picked the wrong target, Sil. I know every weakness we have on this Earth, and then some. Give up."

Sil narrowed her eyes and tossed the spear aside. "You may know our weaknesses on Earth," She charged forward behind Zim, twisting his arm around to his back. He winced, freezing. "But I know our weaknesses everywhere else," She kept twisting it until Zim knew she would eventually break it.

He closed his eyes, daring not to pry his arm away in fear of breaking right then and there. "I... Get the point," He growled, shielding his other arm.

"Tell me right now," She hissed. Zim quickly thought over his options. There was really only one that would work.

"Okay, fine..." He muttered. "I resisted the water by bathing in..." He thought quickly. "Monkey fur!"


Monkey fur?!

"Monkey fur."

"Erm... Okay. Anything else?"

"Um... Nope. That's it."

Sil was silent for a moment. "I know you're lying."

"Well, it was worth a sh-" Zim bit back a scream. "Y-You really weren't kidding, were you?" Sil threw him to the side. He dared to move his wrist... But immediately regretted it.

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