Chapter 39

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Astrid's POV

"Hiccup!" We all yelled happily while Alexi stood gaping in his direction.

"Eh......You might want to close your mouth." Hiccup commented to Alexi. "You know with the flies and all."

I observed a small twitch on Alexi's face. This couldn't be good.

"What are you doing here?!!" Was then yelled in Hiccup's direction.

"I thought I'd drop by for a visit." Hiccup said with a smirk causing Snotlout to groan.

"No ghost could be that sarcastic." Snotlout muttered.

"No ghost would have a death wish." Drago added from the cage. "What type of person walks into a situation where he is clearly outnumbered?"

"Hiccup" Fishlegs and the rest of us state without hesitation.

"Well I'm not surprised to see Drago duped." Hiccup says loudly while getting a glare from Drago. "What I am surprised about is that you don't have the last item."

"You know where it is?!" Alexi now asked as she advanced on Hiccup.

"I might, or might not know." Hiccup shrugged.

"TELL ME!!" Alexi now shouted.

"Or what. It's not like you can make me." Hiccup stated.

I saw a smile flash on Alexi's face. "Well actually I can." She said and then ordered her followers. "GRAB HIM!!"

The followers dog-piled on Hiccup so fast that he was taken by surprise. His gun flew out of his hand and landed a few meters away. Alexi placed the crown that she had in her other hand on a hook attached to her belt. Then she took out and opened the bottle of green liquid she had on her while the men restrained Hiccup who was still struggling.

"This should loosen your tongue." Alexi stated.

"I like my tongue the way it is thank you." Hiccup muttered while more of the men held him down.

"Sarcastic even in the face of defeat." Alexi muttered and then forced Hiccup to drink the liquid.

"Alexi stop it!!" I shouted in desperation but it was too late. Hiccup went completely still and Alexi still grinning ordered her men to let Hiccup stand up.

"No No NO!!" I shouted. "Hiccup say something?!"

Alexi held her hand out. "The Dragon jewel."

I saw Hiccup reach into his coat and pull out the necklace that he had gotten from Ami and Mai. An amber color could be seen underneath the black cover which was breaking off.

Alexi inspected it and then glared at Hiccup. "Why does it have a hole in it!! Answer me!!"

Hiccup spoke in a voice which held no emotion. "You shot it."

This caused Alexi to stomp her foot like a child having a tantrum.

Hiccup was simply standing there with a blank look on his face. Alexi looked back at me while saying. "The coronation can continue now. Why don't you join me dear sister."

"Alexi you must be out of your mind if you think I would do that!" I yelled at her as I saw a smirk form on her lips.

"But then you could have your precious boyfriend by your side again." Alexi said feigning hurt. "He'll do whatever you say now."

"Alexi please stop this. This isn't the sister I know." I plead.

"The sister you knew was an act. You know I loved taking away your toys when we were little." Alexi stated haughtily leaning closer towards Hiccup. "Maybe I should take away this one as well."

"Alexi don't you dare touch him!!" I shouted now as I tried to kick the men holding me. "I swear that I will beat the crap out of you if you do."

"Woah. Astrid swore." Tuffnut said in amazement.

"And in front of Soren too." Ruffnut added. "She's definitely got it bad for Hiccup."

Alexi huffed not looking convinced. "Oh really. It doesn't look like you can do much of anything. If I were to kiss him you'd probably just breakdown and cry." Alexi was leaning closer to Hiccup with the intend to kiss him on the lips. I struggled with the men restraining me and even managed to knee one in the groin.

Alexi however suddenly stopped short of Hiccup's lips looking absolutely bewildered. Hiccup's hand had pressed itself against her lips and he was pushing her away.

"Sorry, but I would rather kiss a thousand slugs before kissing you." Hiccup stated pushing a bewildered Alexi away from him.

All of us just stopped struggling and stared at the scene.

Alexi snapped out of her daze and yelled "WHAT!! That's impossible!!"

"Not impossible. Just improbable." Hiccup commented. "Just like the angry Night Fury behind you."

"WHAT?!" Alexi shouted before Toothless' tail knocked her sideways. We were so focused on the scene before us that we didn't notice a giant black dragon inching closer.

"Good to see you too bud." Hiccup said giving Toothless a scratch.

"How did he get free!!" Alexi shouted holding her head.

"Consider this payback Alexi!!" Eret shouted as he knocked out some of the men.

"Eret!!" Alexi shouted in surprise. "Doesn't anyone stay dead?!"

The followers were charging at Hiccup and Toothless. "Any time now Furious!!" Hiccup quickly shouted and a loud roar filled the throne room.

Looking up I saw Furious along with our dragons on the roof looking inside. Furious gave another roar and the dragons attacked scattering the followers.

The attack gave us enough time to get free and we joined the fight with me keeping Soren close.

"Glad to see you're alright Milady." Hiccup said while knocking a guy out.

I kicked another heading towards us and then proceeded to punch Hiccup in the arm, hard.

"Ouch. What was that for." Hiccup said while ducking as I punched another follower behind him.

"That was for making me worry so much!!" I shouted and then proceeded to kiss him on the lips.

"OOH.. Love on the battlefield." Tuffnut said as he, Ruffnut, and Chicken jumped on some followers.

"And that is for coming back." I whisper while ducking as Hiccup punched the guy behind me.

I deliver another punch which is followed by a yelp. "Astrid that was Eret." Hiccup said.

"I know." I replied and then turned to Eret. "Now we're even."

The fighting was still ongoing and even with the dragon's help we were still being out numbered.

"Give it up!" Alexi shouted.

"Nah don't think so." Hiccup yelled back. "Not until you're defeated."

"Hah. Do you really think you have a chance?" Alexi boasted. "You'd need an army to counter this many."

"Or just a few good friends." Hiccup said as dragon roars could be heard in the distance.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Back up." Hiccup stated loud enough for Alexi to hear. I saw her eyes widen at the sight that was coming towards us.

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