Chapter six: Reason

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Pitch's P.O.V: 


"Black? Black? Are you awake?" A young girl of the age 14 called out shaking me several times. My eyes were half lit and was greeted by platium blond hair tickling my nose. I stood still hoping she would leave. After a while she picked flowers and placed it on my head. She giggled and with that I attacked and tickled her. "What are you doing you little monster?!" I teased as she lay down beside me on the picnic blanket. 

"Nothing~ " She smiled happily holding unto my hands to stop me from tickling her. He smile that rested upon her face was adorable and peaceful--even with me, a monster. She knew the pain I had to go through. I was abandoned by my parents and left to live a life in an orphanage. All my life no one bothered to comfort this orphan boy-- until she came. 

When the world shut me out she came and brought me back. Her soft hands calmed me down. I had powers that could threathen the whole entire universe; I was fierce yet she showed no sight of fear and protected me when people teased me and called me a witch.

I reached the age of 11 and was told I was a wizard. I was accepted into a school and couldn't see her while I studied there. When I returned she was getting ill. I stayed for a while and asked her to be mine. She accepted but  the problem was she is a muggler ( Human not wizard ). Our relationship couldn't happen as told by the ministry of magic. I diddn't care. I quit attending Hogwarts and lived the life of a muggle. I lived with her in a small house located in the woods although it wasn't that far from the town. Elsa often was kind to everyone. She enchanted kids by bringing them to our house while I showed them some magic tricks. 

One day, people shouted outside calling me a monster and treathened to burn our house down. Elsa came out to talk to the towns people but when I came out to check on her she.. was gone.. Out of anger I quickly cast an eternal sleep on all of the villagers. The ministry of magic was after me. It was against law to hurt humans with magic. I ran away from all of them. I hid back to the magical world and stayed in the Forbidden forest. No soul alive was smart enough to look there.

Everyday I've studied potions, charms and etc. trying to save Elsa from death. This was all my fault and there was no possible way to save her... Until I found a book that introduced black magic. I used a spell of reincarnation. She were to be born again but I would have the curse to roam this world withouth rest and to live consumed by darkness. It was a price I gave for her. My skin turned grey, my eye's  yellow, and my spine streatched out making me taller. Elsa's body dissapreared and I knew she was going to be born again.

All I had to do now was find Elsa...

*End of Flashback*

"Gah! Why can't she remember! I know she still loves me." I said to myself. I hid back into the cave that I've used as a hide out when I escaped from prison years ago. 

"No she doesn't." A voice from deep within shouted. It was Gothel ( from Tangled). She also held a grudge against the student's of Hogwarts and the ministry of magic. 

"Oh Pitch. You know I've served you my whole life. You and I know that Elsa will never come to love someone like you. She has Jack. She stole your heart and broke it." Gothel told me. I kept silent. 

"Why not have revenge on her for breaking you? Look at you. You've wasted your life trying to create a spell to save her -and when you did she hardly reconizes you and falls in love with someone else." Gothel continued as she moved in closer. "Think about it. Lets let her feel how it is to loose someone you love. Look at what she has turned you into." I paused for a while as Gother placed a mirror infront of me. "I'ts time for revenge...I'f I can't love her no one can!"  I nodded at Gothel. 

My Slytherin Girlfriend: Jack Frost and Elsa Hp AuWhere stories live. Discover now