Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]

Start from the beginning

    Dean tries to comfort his crying baby brother while Jean stands there looking up at the nursery window.  All of a sudden, the man picks up the twins and runs farther away from the house.  Just in time too; for a giant fireball explodes from the nursery, shattering the windows and sending glass and flaming debris raining down upon the spot where the children once stood.

    Seven minutes later, the man is sitting on the hood of his 1967 Chevy Impala, holding Sam while Dean and Jean sit on either side of him, hugging him.  They watch in silence as the firefighters battle against the raging flames that are trying to consume their once-happy home.

    Jean lets out a small sob and clutches the angel doll closer to her.

******22 YEARS LATER******

The sun is just reaching its highest position in the clear blue sky and shining down on a beautiful blue 1968 Ford Mustang sitting outside of an old dilapidated barn.  The driver’s side door opens and a tall woman with long red hair gets out.  Her emerald green eyes scan the surroundings, carefully taking in every detail.  She walks around the car to the trunk with car keys in hand.  She unlocks the trunk with the car key and lifts the lid.  At first, the trunk appears to be empty but the woman inserts a different key into a hidden lock near the right tail light before turning it and then lifting the false bottom of the trunk to reveal a vast assortment of different weapons and tools: guns, knives, stakes, crucifixes, machetes, cans of gasoline, bags of salt, and a ton of ammunition including regular bullets, salt rounds, and silver bullets.  The woman grabs a machete with her right hand and a flashlight with her left before quietly closing both the false bottom and the lid of the trunk.

She stealthily walks towards the barn before stopping outside of the doors.  She reaches out and then gently pushes the right door open a crack.  She points the flashlight inside, aiming mainly at the ground so as not to alert anything that may be lurking inside.  Not immediately seeing anything, she pushes the door open enough for her to sneak inside.  She checks the corners of the room closest to her first, but there’s nothing there but a couple of rusty buckets in the right corner.  She then points the flashlight in the direction of the far right corner, but when the beam lands on a bloody human body she quickly points the light away.  She then directs the beam of light towards the far left corner and notices a male and female asleep on an old ratty mattress.  She quietly makes her way across the room to the right corner, stopping every time the old wooden floor lets out a creak.  She finally reaches the body and notices that the body is that of a female around twenty-three years old with medium-length, curly brown hair wearing blue jeans and a formerly white tank top which is now soaked red with her blood.  When she notices the blood around the mouth of the dead woman, the red-haired woman raises the machete.  Suddenly, the dead woman’s eyes open and a set of razor-sharp teeth emerge from her gums as she releases a loud inhuman shriek.  The redhead brings the machete down on the other female’s neck, cutting off her head.  

But the damage has already been done, the shriek has awakened the male and female on the mattress and they are now both on their feet and facing the red-headed woman.  The male shouts, “You hunter bitch!  We just made her a member of our family!”

The redhead smirks at the two, “It’s always a pleasure to introduce my machete to a newborn vampire.  Or just any vampire really.”

The vampire couple bares their teeth at her and a set of sharp fangs descend from each of their gums.  “I’m going to enjoy ripping your throat out.”  The female vampire snarls out before lunging toward the hunter.  The woman slams the steel flashlight into the vampire’s mouth, stunning her momentarily and causing her to stumble backward.  This gives the redhead enough time to swing her machete at the female vampire’s neck.  The weapon slices through the vampire’s neck and her head and body fall to the floor with a thud.  The male vampire grabs the woman from behind and is about to sink his teeth into the side of her neck.  The woman drops her flashlight so that she can unsheathe the silver hunting knife at her waist.  She stabs the knife into the vampire’s eye from over her shoulder causing him to scream in pain and release her.  She quickly spins around to face the vampire before swinging her machete again, decapitating the male vampire.  

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